10 years later

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It had been ten years since Hope had died and left the family with nothing but their memories of her. During that ten years a lot had happened for the family: Zara had given birth to a beautiful baby girl that they named Ava (after Snows mother), Henry and Violet had lost a baby during a carriage crash, Snow and Charming officially retired, Lucy left the forest to 'find herself', Robin and Regina had all the time together they wanted as they handed the Enchanted Forest over to Daniel, Emma and Killian sailed the realms in honour of their daughter and as for Dalton... well he crashed and burned before turning into the cruel king his father had always wanted him to be.
The Charming clan cut all ties with Dalton around a year and a half after Hopes death. As hard as they had tried to keep him in the light he tried even harder to pull them into the darkness with him.
"Ten years to the day Princess Hope died in a terrible accident, her family took to the sea to mark a decade of her death whilst her husband had other ideas!" The reported laughed as a video of Dalton picking up a woman played behind her.
Emma had to shut off the TV before she allowed Killian to go over to his home and pull out his throat.
She knew it was hard losing your true love, hell she'd done it three times, but she knew Hope would be turning in her grave if she could see Dalton now.
"Can I rip his heart out yet?" Regina sighed throwing herself into the couch next to Emma
"Not yet!" Emma laughed as her parents and husband came into the room
"Where do you think she is?" Snow smiled weakly
"Someplace good!" Charming smiled
"Of course she is!" Killian growled "Sorry, I just thought it was obvious!" He smiled apologetically, they all sat down and swapped stories of Hope when Henry came bursting in closely followed by his wife and son
"Dalton....he's...." he panted leaning against the door for support
"He's what? Spit it out kid!" Emma laughed nervously
"He's engaged!" Bentley yelled switching on the TV
"Well folks you heard it here first King Dalton of the Magic Kingdom is to be married to Princess Ana of Maldonia!"
"James!" She yelled "Come on your going to be late!"
"Uh I'm coming mom!" He yelled back at her quickly dashing around his bedroom throwing on anything he could find.
He then proceeded to make his way downstairs but not before realising Zack had spent the night. He didn't mind though because that meant he had a ride to school.
As he made his way into the kitchen he found Zack half way down his mothers throat and so in an attempt to alert them of his presence he cleared his throat and tapped his foot.
"Hey kid!" She smiled, he couldn't deny his mother was a beautiful woman all the kids in his class were forever talking about how beautiful his mom was and it drove him insane.
But it did often get him thinking, if he found someone even half as great as his mom he would never leave her so why did his dad leave her?
"You want a ride J?" Zack smiled as he grabbed his suit jacket
"Yeah sure! Uh mom I'm going over to Leon's after school remember?"
"Of course I remember, please behave for his mum! I really don't want to listen to her whine again!" She laughed and he just nodded
"Hope, I'll be by after work to pick you up for dinner ok?"
"Ok! I love you both but you need to go or you'll both be late!" She smiled kissing them both and pushing them out the door.
Enchanted Forest
Hope's parents had arrived at Daltons home to speak to him regarding his fiancé only to find him pulling trunks of Hope's clothes and belongings towards the bin.
Killian's eyes widened at the sight of broken picture frames being tossed into the bin without so much as a second thought, the photos were followed by her dresses that were about to be followed by her leather jacket before he dashed over and caught it on the edge of his hook.
Dalton looked at him as if he had seen a ghost, he had always been slightly afraid of Hopes parents even when they got along really well and right now he was terrified.
"This is what our daughter meant to you then?" He laughed
"No...of course not Mr. Jones!" He stuttered
"Clearly!" Emma laughed "Get them out of the trash, put them back in the trunks and we will take them!"
"Yes ma'm!" He smiled nervously
"Dalton? Darling what's going on?" A female voice called from the open bedroom window... Hopes bedroom window.
"Nothing! I'll be up in a minute!" He called up lovingly, to be honest it made Emma feel physically sick.
He was talking to this woman the way he used to talk to Hope but it appeared the woman upstairs didn't know Dalton very well. He hated people using the pet name 'Darling' towards him considering that's his sisters name.
"What can I do for you Mr and Mrs Jones?" He asked nervously
"Well, we came to talk to you about your new fiancé!" Emma scowled
"Oh...ok, do you want to come in?" He smiled, they looked at one another and then back at Dalton before nodding their heads.They had their driver take Hopes things to their palace before entering the house.
Everything looked exactly the same as it did when Hope lived there. Everything from the cushions to the cups in the kitchen were exactly the same.
They entered the front room and made theirselves comfortable before Dalton left to go and get Ana. Killian noticed Emma's hand shaking uncontrollably and so grabbed it in an attempt to soothe her and luckily it worked.
"Emma! Killian!" Ana smiled as she waltzed into the room, they raised their eyebrows at her as they remembered exactly who she was.
"You!" Killian growled
"I'm sorry?" She asked with a beaming smile on her face
"You were one of Hopes friends!" He yelled attempting to stand up but couldn't due to Emma holding him down
"I know! And I'm sorry but she's been gone ten years! You can't seriously have expected my little Dalton to have lived the rest of his life alone?" She asked
"Of course not!" Emma smiled "Dalton, we came to congratulate you but also to remind you of who came before this little tart!"
"Excuse me! How dare you speak to my fiancé like that in her home!" He growled turning his nose up to them
"Her home? Oh so I take it she has no idea who this house was built for? Who added all the little extra bits?" She asked flicking at the cushions
"Hope! But..."
"There is no buts! Dalton lad, you need to be mindful of the fact she was your wife, she was carrying your child when she died! Of course we want you to move on but we would've liked some warning about this!" Killian sighed
"Yeah, of course! Next time I assure you anything that happens you will be warned!" He smiled
"Ok, well we should probably leave you two to do whatever it is you do! Oh Gideon made a 15 minute show of Hopes life that'll be on TV later or you want to watch!" Emma smiled as she and Killian left
"Of course we'll watch it!" Ana smiled

A/N: I'm currently writing a Captain Swan story called 'A guy like that' check it out?
Love Lil x

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