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"Hope, Darling do you guys know how early it is?" Dalton asked climbing down off of his horse
"Yeah but we called you all here because we wanted to actually properly form that band we pretended to have when we were kids!" Hope laughed as Dex fell off of the back of Daltons horse
"What the next generation?" Dex asked
"Yes we thought Hope could sing, me and Dalton could play guitar, Dex could drum and Ana could play her ukulele!" They all smiled but Ana didn't
"Guys I have to tell you all something!" She confessed
"Me and my parents are going back to New Orleans in the morning I just didn't want to tell you all with Hope's sleeping curse and Brooke you know?" They all nodded and hugged Ana before she left
"Ok so I was thinking we could rehearse in here!" Hope said leading them into the garage
"What is this place?" Dex asked
"It's where we keep my mums bug but I'm she and dad don't mind if we use it to rehearse!" Hope laughed as Dex continued to look baffled
"Ok but we don't have any of our instruments!" Dalton pointed out
"Actually we do me and Darling called your parents last night and had them drop your instruments off!" Hope laughed
"Ok then what are we going to play and who are we going to play it to?" Dex asked
"Well we thought we could just sing covers for now but there's the Enchantica Talent show coming up in a few months so we could play there!" Darling informed them the boys looked at each other and nodded
"We're in!" They said
"Ok well let's think what do we wanna perform?" Darling asked
"What about something really upbeat!" Hope asked
"Snooze!" Dalton shouted as he began tuning his guitar "we need something different you know that no other band is going to think of!" He laughed
"Hope what about that song Henry used to play all the time when we were kids?" Darling asked as Dex's ears pricked up
"Awe I love that song! I remember when Henry showed my Moms how to use a phone that was the first song my moms played!"
"Ok so Only you it is!"
(If you play the song and read everything it helps imagine their conversation!)
As they began to play Snow, Charming, Robin and Regina arrived at the palace it was a Tuesday which meant they all came over for dinner and played board games
"Emma I didn't know Henry had moved back in!" Regina said as she heard the music "although that's not the version of the song I remember!"
"That's because it's Hope singing, her the Charming twins and Dex formed a band for the talent show!" Emma smiled
"She's singing Henry's song!" Regina smiled
"I think that's why she's singing it I heard them talking before. Henry put it on Dorothy's phone when he fixed it and she played it for Dex obviously Hope remembers it from every time Henry would play it and so do the twins!" Killian said
"I don't think he will ever realise how much he's touched people!" Snow said "all those years ago he helped you believe helped you break the curse and since then he has been the glue that held everyone together!" They all smiled and continued to listen to Hope and the others
"How is Henry with Hope?" Regina asked
"He's great I mean he only ever sees her for a few hours at a time but their close why?" Emma asked
"Well he seems to be very distant with Daniel" Regina sighed "I thought it was maybe just jealousy and it would pass but it hasn't!"
"Maybe it's because he was living with us when Hope was little but Henry did leave when Daniel was what 5 months old?"
"I suppose! Maybe Hope will be the next Henry holding us all together!" Regina laughed
"It's not really her gig if I'm honest she's more into the Hope speeches!" Emma laughed "although she's a fab hand with a sword!"
"Does it really surprise you? Both her mum, dad and grandpas weapon of choice is a sword!" Snow laughed.
Emma began to cry as she heard Hope continue to sing
"What is it love?" Killian said sitting next to her
"It's just this song reminds me of when I was the dark one and what I did to Henry. To you all!" She sobbed
"Emma it wasn't your fault you did it to save Regina, you knew you would fight the darkness and win just like you did if you had let the darkness take you any further you wouldn't have Hope!" Charming said sitting on her other side
"Why wouldn't I?" She asked wiping her tears
"Well you and Hook would still be the dark ones and well dark one Hook hated Emma if you hadn't have fought to save both of you then you wouldn't have you daughter and all of this!" Charming said taking her into his arms cradling her head
"I suppose I just don't ever want to be in a place like that again or for Hope to be in that situation!"
"For the record I don't think I would still hate you Swan I probably would have come crawling back by now!" Killian laughed.
Meanwhile in the Garage
"Hope your amazing!" Dex said lifting her up and kissing her
"Stop it!" She blushed
"I can't believe how good we are and that's the first time we've rehearsed aswell!" Darling chimed in before her phone rang
Yes mum ok yeah I'll let him know!
"Dalton we have to go Dads outside shall we leave these here or take them?" Darling asked
"Leave then if you want although I imagine you might want to practise" Hope laughed as the twins quickly grabbed their guitars and disappeared down the drive in a blonde flash of light
"So Jonesy I've gotta get going but I'll call you later ok?" She nodded, they kissed and she watched him walk into the forest. Hope then span on her heels and walked into the kitchen where she saw her mum had been crying
"I had no idea we were that bad!" She laughed
"Hope!" Her father scolded
"Oh Urm I'm sorry I didn't realise I'll just go upstairs and leave you guys to deal with whatever's going on!" She said as she fled the room holding back tears her Dad very rarely yelled at her but when he did she knew she had obviously done something wrong.
About an hour passed before there was a knock on the door
"Hope, it's Grandpa can I come in?" Charming called
"Yea sure" she called back Charming walked in and was instantly taken back to the first time he saw Hopes room instead of a crib there was now a four poster royal style bed, a fluffy rug where there was once an alphabet one, a dressing table that had grown in size, a TV big enough that it could probably light up half the forest and glittery curtains draped over the doorway to her balcony. Hope had obviously been led on her bed crying that was obvious from the black marks on her once white pillow case
"You've been crying!" Charming said
"Well yeah I mean mum was crying and I made a joke but I probably shouldn't have done it and then Dad yelled and it was just ugh!" She blurted out before crying again
"Hope your mom was crying because the song you guys were playing was the song Henry played on his first date with Violet it just threw your mom right back into her dark one days" Charming told her as he pulled her into a cuddle "now are you ready for dinner?" She nodded and went to wash her face before heading downstairs. When she got downstairs her mum and dad pulled her to one side
"Hope lass I'm sorry I yelled at you" he said and from the looks of things it looked like he had been crying
"It's ok Grandpa told me what happened if it upsets you we will change the song!" Hope said looking to her mum
"No no you all sounded so good it was just a bit sudden it was like I heard it and everything came flooding back"
"Ok anyway what's for dinner I'm starving!" Hope laughed
"Regina brought lasagne!" Emma told her Hopes eyes lit up.

Hope Jones The Pirate PrincessWhere stories live. Discover now