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It had been a week since Hope had married Dalton and she had to admit it had been the quietest month of her life. Although she knew her life would soon be filled with bright lights and loud noises it was usually full of but it was just a matter of when the lights and noise would resume.
She woke up in Daltons arms her head resting on his chest when the phone began to ring, as she twisted herself to grab said phone she pulled a muscle in her back
"Shit!" She whined only loud enough for herself to hear but Dalton had heard and could tell what was wrong immediately.
He quickly flipped them so he was on top of Hope and could reach the phone for her. He placed a quick kiss on her forehead before handing her the phone
Sorry, did I wake you?
Henry! Yeah sort of, what time is it?
It's 11:30! Do you know what day it is?
No I don't, should I?
It's your nieces birthday!
Shit! Sorry I completely forgot! I haven't seen or heard from Luce since before the curse!
I know, her bloody mother didn't want any of us to see her and so took her out of the realm but she showed up on my doorstep last night!
Well I'm assuming she's ok because you sound pretty chill about it! What's the plan?
Say no if you don't want to but I was thinking we all come to your house?
That works perfectly actually!
Ok, well we'll be over at around three, if you think you could drag your ass out of bed by then?
Of course!
By time Hope had finished on the phone Dalton had brought up a tray of tea and toast for them to share whilst they caught up on Hopes 'trash' TV.
Once Hope had gotten herself up to date she and Dalton decorated the house ready for Lucy's birthday and Hope even managed baked a cake. For what felt like the first time in forever the family were all together without feeling like something terrible was going to happen.
The family arrived around three just as Henry had said they would and they couldn't have been more excited to see Lucy. Although when she showed up she wasn't even half as old as she should've been, she was 9 again.
Lucy explained how her mother and Sheriff Woody had taken her to the land of untold stories before Brooke's curse hit and whilst she had been there something she had eaten (that wasn't made for her) that had made her 9 again.
The rest of the evening flew by and before they knew it the conversation had made its way from the usual topics of who they thought they would be fighting next to baby names. As per usual Zara hated every name the family suggested, especially as Snow continually suggested her parents names or Regina's mothers name,as she wanted names that meant something as all of her children had been named after people or things that meant a lot to the pair
"What about Evie?" Killian suggested
"That's actually really pretty!" Neal smiled
"But it doesn't link to anything" Henry interrupted
"Oh yeah!"
"Ok well what about Lexi?" Hope suggested, sure Neal had forgiven her but they still hadn't completely repaired their relationship
"I love it!" Zara smiled "now both Alexander and this baby will honour her memory!"
After a while everyone had began to leave when Lucy insisted she stay at Regina and Robins so she could have some 'grandparents and grandchild bonding time'. Hope couldn't help but be slightly suspicious about this as Lucy had always preferred to stay with Emma and Killian but Dalton quickly planted the idea that maybe she was upset she was no longer the baby of the family.

The next day Hope woke up completely alone and wondering where Dalton had gone before realising it was Monday and they had work.
After spending an hour getting ready she finally arrived at the Naval base where she had dozens of people waiting to speak with her. It took her almost all day but she managed to clear them all out of her office before deciding she needed a well deserved nap (she wasn't tired in the slightest but she knew that if she was sleeping nobody would bother her).
Once she had woken up from her nap she decided she would do the one thing she had been wanting to do since Dalton had put her in charge. She was going to re-recruit her crew and have them work for her once again in the navy.
Hope was practically jumping with joy when the crew arrived and they were completely oblivious as to why. But once she had explained everything they were soon just as happy as she was
"So we're sailing with you again Captain?" Ronnie cheered
"I guess so! But most of the time I won't be with you and when I'm not Sam will be your Captain and Ronnie you will be his Lieutenant!"
"No way!" Sam smiled
"Yes way, you won't have the Jolly Rodger as we're sharing her with Reginas kingdom but you will have the Black Pearl!"
"How did you get her?" Sam asked hesitantly knowing it would have been almost impossible to pry her from the hands of Sparrow
"Well, I may or may not have had a run in with Sparrow whilst he had the pearl I'm not exactly proud of it but I commandeered his vessel!" Hope expected a slightly more appalled reaction from the crew than the one she did receive.
The crew couldn't have been happier that they had that ship as she was the second fastest vessel to ever sail the seven seas. But Hope was just happy some normality had been restored in her life instead of fighting the next villain or worrying about one.

Hope Jones The Pirate PrincessWhere stories live. Discover now