🔥 Face to face 🔥

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BTS point of view
Around 5 p.m

Jin: we don't have her photos are you sure about this?

Jk: Hyung trust me! It's her

Jin: How can you be soo sure about this? Huh what if we mess up

Hobi: hyung chill we are BTS we don't mess up things & for your information she goes down her alley every evening to get some food that's like her daily routine she even has her favorite jacket we can't be wrong can we

RM: fine if you guys are so sure about this! But remember we need her in any cost 

Tae: Yas  we need her.. We need her to torture her to death

Jimin: her dad needs to learn his lesson he can't just mess with us and get out of it!

Jk: Hyung trust me.. I'll get her no matter what I'll make her life living hell

Suga: just bring her here jk and we will decide what to do

Rm: so it's decided you will get her today and no mistake jk.. I repeat no mistakes  do you get it?

Jin: jk ! Have you seen her?? Like in photo so that there is no confusion

Jk: hyung you need to chill  and no I haven't seen her but trust me.. It's from one of our top agents he has given us the proper info nothing can go wrong

Jin: WThell jk.. You haven't seen her?? And how can you be soo sure about her?  We don't want innocent people to get hurt

Jk: old man chill she is not innocent she is Mr. Park's daughter and more over I have done my homework I can't be wrong
Even though I haven't seen her I'll get the right girl so chill

Jin: don't talk to me like that uh brat

Tae: if you both are done... Jk get back to your work fast
I can't wait to get my revenge

Jimin: jk get hobi with you it will be easy for both of you

Jk: I can handle

Suga: take him kid.. You need backup

Jk: Hyung

Rm: it's an order take him... We don't want any mistake do you get it..

Jk: fine lets goo

Hobi: see you guyz

Tae: finally Today is the day

Jimin: we ll get what we want

Rm: yas.. Mr. Park you will see what it is like to mess with us

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