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It was new day again. And I guess it's been more than a week I have been with them. I don't know whether I should say that i have been comfortable with them or I am adjusting to this situation, I can't actually frame my position now. I mean i hated them the most to be honest but now it's changing. Huh this is confusing me! They are being so kind to me all of them. And I guess I'm healing from their wounds. I don't get nightmares nowadays, and I am happy which I haven't been for really long time, even before they kidnapped me I wasn't happy. And it's different now. I was in my thoughts when a over excited jhope oppa came running to me.

Jhope: I have a super news for you??

What is it oppa!! I don't want to know about your new dance video!!

Jhope: It's not about that! It's really good one though!!.

What is it thennn?????

Jhope: Why are you being so bored aishhh this girl is lazy!!!

I'm not lazy oppa!! Okay what is it??
(I screamed in a over excited way)

Jhope: Yay stop screaming...

That's how I show my excitement!!

Suga: You two stop bickering!!

Oppa!! Look hobi oppa doesn't leave me alone he is bothering me!! *pouting"

Jhope: When did I bother you!! You and jk are spending too much time together you both are being over dramatic..

It's not from that muscle pig!! I have been with jin Hyung.. *winking*

Jk: Did someone mention me??

No one muscle pig!!...

( You must be thinking how come I'm being so loud about his nickname actually, accidently I called out loud  one day and everyone started laughing and he couldn't do anything after that I call him that and also about that shorty!! I call him too with the nickname. But  about that monster he will kill me if he knows)

Jk: You need to stop calling me that!!

Or else what are you going to do?? Huh!! Look here oppa is standing beside me...

Jk: I'll get my hands on you when he is not around just wait..

Suga: You better keep your hands away from her when I'm not around or else you know me!!.. *glaring* No one touches my princess

Jk: Hyung!!! Chill we are cool!!

Ahem ahem, some one is scared!!!

Jk: yahhhhhh

Jhope: Stop it you both!!!

Rm: Huh!! Why are you all too loud huh??

Rm and jin oppa came to us along with shorty and the monster!!

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