*I hate you all*

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They brought me to mansion, jungkook dropped me to the sofa. What the hell?? I looked at all of them they were staring at me as if I was the one who kidnapped them.

I was afraid of them, but it's not the time to be afraid I need to be strong I can't be with them. They need to let me go.

Rm: Why did you run??

Don't ask as if you don't know the answer?

Tae: Stop talking like that y/n, just answer the damn question.

Why are you acting like you don't know the answer huh! You bloody know why I escaped.

Jimin: what's with that attitude princess, what's wrong suddenly.

Fucking! Stop calling me princess I'm not your princess just fucking stop calling me that! It irritates me..

Jk: What is it baby! Why are you in such a bad mood

It's y/n you dick head! My name is Min Y/n fucking call me that. I'm not your baby princess or anything I'm y/n for God sake. Stop calling me in different names.

Suga: Okay! Min y/n, mind explaining about your escape.

Why do you think I'll give you an explanation. Who the hell do you think you are huh!!

Hobi: Princess, what's wrong why are you behaving like this, you never behave like this!

Yes, I don't behave like this! But you made me be like this! You people are driving me crazy.

Jin: Is this because we didn't allow you to talk to your family, quite this scene princess you'll not talk to them even if you create a scene.

Who the fucking hell are you to allow me to talk to my family huh! Who the hell are you. What are you just a motherfucking mafia, don't behave like your God! Don't order me what to do.


Jimin: Hold your mouth y/n, he is elder than you. You can't speak to him like that.

Jk: What is that you don't have here hah! We gave you fucking everything still your being a bitch!

Bitch! Yes I'm a bitch! I don't care if he is elder than me or not. I fucking don't care do you hear me.

Who asked you all this, did I come to you to give me all this. You fucking ruined my life and your calling me a bitch. You took everything from me. Still I'm the bitch here.

Tae: Look we know your hurt! We are giving you time to adjust, we are trying our level best to make you forget everything. But you just don't understand,

I don't understand, haha seriously I don't understand!

You'll never understand why am I hurting so much because your not the one who is broken.

Your not the one who went through everything! I was the one who suffered everything.

Do you even know how much I suffered because of you people. Do you know I didn't even sleep for 2 year's because I fucking have nightmares of you beating me to death. Do you know the pain I went through when I was in the hospital because of you,I couldn't walk for months. I fucking flinch at everything. Do you know I fear for dark rooms..Do you know the pain of not be able to cry in front of your best friend because she would feel bad. Do you know I still have bruises because of you.

Rm: We know your hurt! That's why we are helping you

Helping me seriously! You call this help.. When I thought my life wouldn't be much miserable you brought me back here to hell! What your doing is not called helping, your torturing me!

Jk: Helping you spend time do you call it torture.

Did I ask you to help me?? Did I come for you!! Let me tell you motherfuckers forcing me to read, forcing me to dance, forcing me to cook, forcing me to listen music, forcing me to play video games, forcing me to watch movies, forcing me to have a walk doesn't make me happy!!!

Tae: If you didn't like it you would have told us! Moreover we are doing this to you, because we want you to forgive us..

I'll not!!!... I'll not forgive you in my lifetime. No matter what you do I'll not forgive you!.. I just can't take that day from my memory, you can call that as mistake!

But for me it was hell more than hell. You made me suffer for fucking 3days and you want me to forgive you, huh!!! How__how can you expect me to forgive you, when your standing straight in front of me, giving me more painful memories.

Jin: Y/n,, we are sorry we are really sorry listen to us! We know you went through a lot! But believe us we will make you forget everything just give us sometime.

Why! Why do you want me to forgive you. Who am I to you! No one right just a mistake!
Do you remember you people wanted me to be suffer right than congratulations your wish has come true.
I'm suffering daily because of you. You people made my life hell! I can't sleep peacefully,
I can't have a normal life. You have won what else do you want?? Do you want me to die.

Rm: Listen y/n, we had no idea about your nightmares. We are extremely sorry about what happened years back. But trust me! That was not for you.

Suga: If we had a slight clue that you were not Park's daughter. We would not hurt you.

Hobi: we are sorry for our behavior, but just give us a chance to prove ourselves.

Jin: We are not as bad as you think about us y/n.please give us a chance.

Yes! Your right, your not bad as I thought... YOUR WORST...

Jk: Y/n it's my fault.. I mistook you as Coco, because of me everything happened.

Jimin: We can't change what happened, but can't you give us a chance??

Tae: You have full right to be angry on us, but trust me none of us wanted to hurt you. I know your not happy being with us, but please try to accept us, try to like us. We are not that bad!!

I HATE YOU!!! Get that straight, I hate you all by the bottom of my heart...

Jin: Y/n we know you hate us! But listen to me, when we came to know that you were not park's daughter none of us slept.
I know you went through hell but trust me. We were also not happy! We died every night thinking that we hurt a innocent girl.
That's why your here. You are here so that we can mend our past! It's because we both need eachother. You can't heal alone y/n you need us. We gave you hurt and only we can give you love. Trust me y/n give us a chance we can make your life peaceful again.

No, no! I'll not trust you!.. You people are mean, cruel! ...
By that I went to the room.

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