🖤The Day🖤

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Your pov

I was getting ready to go to busan. Coco offered me to send me off by car. I didn't want to take a car so I said it's fine coco I'll go by bus.

Honestly bus rides are awesome when you have to travel. Bus plus window seat plus your favourite music is equal to a great ride.

Coco:Make sure to call me once you reach, don't make me stress.

Fine coco, you have said this for million nth time today.

Coco: That is because I care dumbo. And everyone knows what a scared cat you are.

Yah!! Stop that I'm not scared!

Coco: ohh, really. I know you

Shut up! Your such a bad friend!

Coco: am I?? ..
Now don't make that face it's time for you to go. Or else you will be late. Come on move your butt

Minute ago you didn't wanted me to go!
And now your making me to leave in such a great mood.
Your such a bipolar!

Coco: what! !
I'm being a good best friend and for your information I'm going to live with seo, I asked Dad's permission he said okay!!!!

I see.
That's the reason your in a such a good mood. How rude, when you have your boyfriend you don't need me anymore huh! Fine by me, I'll not return. I'll stay in Busan forever.

Coco: Yaah!
Just don't say that. I need you more than him.
He is your replacement; .

I guess seo will not be happy listening this..

Coco: He'll kill me, now let's go! There's only 15min left.

Yas yas, let's go!
My mom will be surprised to seee me there.

Coco: Didn't you inform her??

Nahh! I wanted it to be a surprise?!

Coco: okay okay. Come on!

Bus stop🚏🚌

Coco: Girl!
Come give me a hug.
I'm gonna miss uh.

I'll miss you toooooooo dear

I'll miss you toooooooo dear

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