☺Finally Happy😊

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Note: This chapter contains lots and lots of flashback.

It's been one and half month that I have been working in the general store. And it's been a roller coaster ride to be honest. I have had enough time to think about how and what I want. And everything just leads me to one direction. But I have also decided that, even after I go back to them I'll have my own flower boutique💜 I have spoke to suga oppa and Jin oppa about this and they are okay with it. But the actual deal is with Taehyung, huh idk how will I convince him. But you know nowadays he is been a such a sweetheart, god I can't get enough of his cuteness. I'll figure out how to tell him though!

And also I have a co worker( chae won) here who is like a middle aged women. But God she is bomb, like literally a bomb! she looks breath taking and also I'm so shocked like how can a woman be this strong. I mean I have never seen such strong women in my entire life. She has hell lot of problems regarding her family, her health is a bit unstable due to her numerous part time job. Her kids, they are just asshole. But still she has this positive attitude towards her life. That I want to ask her, what demons did you fight do be this strong.

And also she was so shocked to see guards around me some days ago, that was a fun story though!

It was a normal day in the store, whereas this bunch of guys came out of nowhere and strated creating nuisance inside the store. I and chaewon tried our level best to stop them, but they were not stopping they were throwing things around and that's when the guards stepped in. They in one shift moment grabbed that guys and threw them outside the store.

Chaewon was startled by who the hell are these guys. She was ready to call the police, I stopped her by saying they are my bodyguard and that's when she bursted,

Chaewon: Body guard's?? What are you celebrity??

What no I'm not a celebrity

Chaewon: Then wait, are you a rich businessman's daughter?? Who have been sent to live like a normal citizen to know what it feels like to struggle.

Yah! Unnie stop. I'm not any businessman daughter or anything. It's just they are,

I was hesitating to answer her, I knew if I say I'm connected to BTS then she would obviously freak out. Like come on, what am I even going to say, that's when Taehyung came into my rescue.

Tae: She's my soon to be fiancee and that's why she has guards around her.

I looked behind me and I was relieved, gosh I was so confused as in what to answer. And he just managed everything!

Chaewon: And who exactly are you.

Tae: Oh yah! I'm Kim Taehyung, owner of Kim enterprise and also co owner of Park enterprise. Nice to meet you.

Chaewon was so shocked looking at Taehyung, I mean I would be shocked too if someone as Intimidating as him would be in front of me. But then she composed herself and greeted him back. It was almost the end of my shift so I left the store with him. And the next day I was bombarded with tonne lot of question from her.

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