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Your pov

I went to them, I didn't see them talking to others at first but when I called them, there were some others too, and all the attentions turned to me.

Suga oppa held my hands but they started eyeing me weirdly! And soon that sehun guy spoke, I didn't know he was behind me and then jimin asked,

Jimin: Do you know him princess,

I nodded a NO!

Tae: Them how do he know your name?

He growled!! Okay this is gonna be tough!! But I need to explain to him specially or else he will kill me..

He introduced himself!!

Tae: That doesn't mean you need to tell your name to a stranger!!

He glared at me, and I gulped!! He is really scary when he is mad!

Se-hun: who said we are stranger??

I looked at him dumbfounded! What do he mean by we are not strangers! This fucking bastard is messing with a wrong guy, Tae will eat him alive!!

Jk: What do you mean!!

Se-hun: I mean I know her from Mr. Kim's party?

Baek: Is this the same girl!

Se-hun: yeah!

He gave me this disgusted smirk! I really wanted to beat him to death!

Jin: Princess?

Tae: How?

He growled loudly, okay this fucking se-hun or whatever has messed up everything.

Tae listen! I don't know him I promise, I was standing in the line, he asked me whether i was in Mr.Kim's party I said yes, and then he introduced himself and then I said my name that's it! I don't anything other than that!

My eyes was teary! He was still glaring at me, and I know he is angry!

Kai: That's not how you treat girls Taehyung look you made her cry!

He came towards me, I hid behind kook,

Kook: Stay where you are, if you want to live!

Suho: So protective!

Baek: Now I'm eager to know who she is?

Suga: My sister!! She is my sister and I'm warning each one of you to stay away from her! Or else you know what I am capable of!

Xiu: We are sacred*laughing*

Rm: You know we would not mess with her especially when you know how powerful her protectors are!!

Tae: Lay a finger on her, I'll make sure you'll regret living!!

Jimin: Pretend as if you never seen her!

Kai: she must be really important to you all! I have never seen BTS to be this protective on others, other than themselves!!

Jin: If you don't want trouble! Leave us alone.

Hobi: If you want war! You know the consequences..

D. O: Oh oh!! We were just curious bro! Don't get angry!.

Se-hun: You know we can end everything, why don't you get me married to your sister!

That's it! What the hell does he think of himself, and as soon as that words left his mouth, Tae jimin and jk! Charged on him, but Lucky rest of them held them ! Tae was growling and jk was so angry that his veins was popping out, jimin was all red from angry!

Rm: Okay guys behave, we are in public

Suga: I guess you got your answer, this is the first time, I'm just warning you next if that thought cross your mind remember who she belong to and will you be able to face them,

He pointed toward maknae line who were glaring at him, they were held back by Jin Rm and hobi oppa!!

Tae: I'm warning you for the fucking last time, don't you dare think of her.

He was holding his angry to himself and I knew he would blast at any moment and no one could stop him, I quickly went towards him and held his hands, I whispered Let's go, he looked at him and then at me, I squeezed his hands and then he grabbed my hands, I looked at jk and jimin I assured them with eyes, I told them let's go!

We went from there, and jk took my other hand! I smiled at him, while leaving I looked at that se-hun guy, he was looking at me intensely! I averted my gaze.

And for my bad luck, they were also watching the same movie, we were seated in the left side they were at the right! And I was sitting between jimin and Tae! Kook was beside jimin, and rest of them were in front of us. And the movie started, it was a funny movie and we enjoyed thoroughly!! And while watching movie, I could feel stares on me, and when I looked at my right that se-hun guy and his some friends were staring at me, I looked at Tae and he was glaring at them, I took his hands then he looked at me. I smiled at him, he smiled back and then again we started watching movie.

Tae's pov

We were inside the theatre, and that fucking bastards were also there, at first I didn't mind them because my princess was sitting beside me. But after sometimes I could feel someone was staring at our side, when I looked at my right, that sehun kai and chen were looking at my princess, I glared at them, but then y/n intertwined our hands. U had to show them who she belongs to. And soon it was interval, kook and jimin went to buy snacks, it was me and y/n.

And then u had a perfect plan to make them irritated,  I pulled y/n in front of me, my back was facing them, they couldn't see her face, I said her that she has something on her face, & from their pov it would look like we are kissing, we stayed like that for a while, and when we pulled back, I told her to wipe her lips she obeyed. And then I looked at them, they were all so pissed off specially Se-hun. I winked at them, that was a bang on move.

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