🔥Meeting Her🔥

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Around 6:30p.m.

Before Y/n kidnapping

Jk's point of view

Huh! Hyung Hurry up..

We wer,e waiting near the alley for her.. Honestly I have never seen her so I'm being little impatient and this hobi hyung he is chilling

God these old people..

I would have done this all by myself .
We were waiting for her for like half an hour by my knowledge she should be coming down by this time..

And when I was in my thoughts I could see a feminine figure walking down the alley.. I could not see her face due to the darkness but she was like her..

She is also wearing that jacket she is short little chubby and has long hair..


That's her

I can't be wrong

Can I?

Hyung... Hyung she is here look....

Hobi's point of view

I was in my thoughts when I hear jk calling me he was pointing out in the opposite direction and yas there she is..

She really fit the description we got and that also means
our wait is over

Yass yass I can see her jk..
Let's just follow her!

She entered the shop and was purchasing her stuff meanwhile we were standing outside the shop we were trying to look at her face but we couldn't!

Once she was out of the shop we started following her..
But I guess she sensed someone behind her she started to increase here phase we also did the same..

But than she started running
That's when I spoke

In a hurry princess

She started running

Jk:Don't make us run behind you princess.. We have been waiting for you..princess

She was running again before she could get inside her apartment I grabbed her by her waist.
She started panicking and shouting

Aahh.. This girl is really noisy
That's when I asked jk to make her shut

Jk's point of view

I was standing behind hobi hyung when he caught her by waist
she started shouting
Hobi Hyung asked me to shut her up
So I came in front of her

God...! She was

She was struggling to get out hobi hyungs hold..

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