✴✴ Convincing Her ✴✴

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Tae's pov

We returned from the mission around 10 at night! Even though we had cleared the mission none of us was happy nor did we talk, it was clear each one of us were thinking how to talk to her again, it was clear she was beyond pissed!

When we reached home, she was not there in living room and Jin Hyung told us that the food is untouched, okay this is gonna be tough!!

We freshened up quickly because we all had blood stains on our shirts and going in front of her like this is a bad option.

When we reached near her room, we all again pushed suga hyung first, he called her few times but no response.

Lucky for us she didn't lock her room, and when we opened she was sleeping peacefully we wanted to wake her and talk to her but we all decided we will talk to her next day.

Even though we had a hectic day none of us had our dinner, I was not in the mood I knew my princess was sleeping their without eating and how can I eat!!.

Next day

I didn't sleep with her, how can I, she would probably kick me and shout at me!

I quickly got up and then went down where everyone were present, and to be honest everyone looked like a mess, it was evident they didn't had a proper sleep..

We all decided that we will go talk to her, and yeah suga Hyung was our leader for this mission, and when we reached her room, she was sitting near the window her back was facing us, suga hyung called her many times but no response, we all pushed him towards her, he kept one hand on her shoulder and she just yanked his hand.

Hmmm! She is mad!!.. Hyung tried talking to her but she didn't even spare him nor us a glance, and then jin Hyung tried talking to her and explain things and then she finally turned around and she had this mad expression with that doe eyes ,

to be honest whenever she is angry I adore her the most, my cute little angry princess.

You: Why are you all here?? Go back to whatever mission you have!!...

She spat at us!! This is gonna be a long day I guess...

Suga:Baby they needed us and you know if it was not important we would never leave you

You: Huh!! Always you just say this, like you all adore me the most and then you can't even take me to a amusement park!!

Hobi:No princess, they are like our brother's we had to help them!!

You: Then what am I to you all?? Huh let me guess...Just a captive!!

Suga: Why are so angry princess, you know your important for me than anything!!

Suga: Why are so angry princess, you know your important for me than anything!!

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