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Coco's pov

I was eagerly waiting for their answer but one of them..

Suga: why don't you ask your father!
If you trust him so much!

You don't have any answer don't you! Your just manipulating me!
You don't have any reason!
Don't play games with me no one is falling for it here!

Rm: ohh really!
Then ask your father how was he so sure, it was us who kidnapped y/n??

Suga: it's not that only we are his enemy

Rm: I'm sure you are aware of his business. Don't you;

Suga: Ask him why were we eager to torture you. Even though your father had our secret box!

Rm: go! Ask him. Who introduced us to this black world!

Suga: Ask him who was our God father

Rm: Ask him who was park bogumHow did he die!

Park Bogum?!

Who was he?? How did he die?? Is my father responsible? Ah, you people are making things worse

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Who was he??
How did he die??
Is my father responsible?
Ah, you people are making things worse.
Why don't you just say it.
Don't confuse me!

Suga: He was one of us!
Because of Your Dad he lost his life.

Rm: He wanted to kill all of us.
But we survived!
But bogum he lost his life!
He was tortured to death.

Suga: His body was unrecognizable, he was brutally murdered!
All because of your Father.

Rm: Your father made pact with the other gang for money and the black box!

Suga: He took 10 million dollars our secret black box!  And ran away.

Rm: Bogum was Tae's best friend.

Because of your father Tae lost his friend! And you think  all this is just for money!

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Because of your father Tae lost his friend!
And you think  all this is just for money!

Suga: we killed the whole gang which tortured bogum!,
but for your father we had different plans.
Killing your father was just easy for us.

Rm: But Tae wanted your father to feel the same pain.
He wanted your father to suffer the same way as he did!

Suga: So we planned all this.
But your father hid you in a such a way that we couldn't even have a picture of you. After soo many months we find out your place. We put our man behind you?!... But unfortunately y/n was kidnapped!

Rm: It was never our plan to torture a innocent girl like her.
You were our target, not her! But guess faith had different plans.

Suga: Your here standing in front of me all well. We wanted you to be laying there not her!.
We wanted Mr. Park to feel the pain of loosing someone so close to you.

What was my fault huh!
What was y/n's fault??
I agree what happened with your friend is not right that doesn't mean you need to hurt me!

Because of your stupid revenge look what happened! Your fight is with my Dad not me! You people can't deal with a man, targeting a girl and torturing her is that what makes you powerful gang!

Rm: we are not here to listen to you. Just tell us where is y/n we Will meet her and go!

Do you think after all this, I'll let you meet her!
Get lost I'll not even allow you to meet her shadow!
Get the hell out of here.

Suga: Look!

we will just see her and go.

Just go!
Or else I'm calling the security.
They will deal with you

Rm: We are not asking your permission we'll meet her no matter what!

Let's see..
I'll call the police.

PARK SEO: Babe who are they?

No one babe let's go!

*Rm & suga didn't get the chance to meet y/n*


I really tried to behave brave in front of them. But the thought of them torturing me Terrifies me! I can't even imagine myself in y/n's position. I didn't let seo know the conversation between me and them.

I told Dad everything, I was angry with him, because of his greed y/n is in this situation. But he told me that he returned the box and money. I didn't forgive him yet!

So that's it guys here is the TRUTH I hope you like it.
This is short and brief
I'll see you in the next chapter till then love❤ love❤

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