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Your pov

I didn't dare to follow him, even though half of me wanted to run behind him, but the way he was staring at me, another half of me warned not to go at this moment.

I waited for him in the dining area, and he came down with that blank face. He was sitting in front of me, everyone were chill, they were talking about the success of mission,

But I couldn't concentrate on anything, he was giving me this death glare..

His expression was enough for me to know how pissed off he is

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His expression was enough for me to know how pissed off he is. He didn't utter a single word the entire time, he had this poker face and when he finished his dinner he quickly stood up and made his way towards his room.

And that's the time I gathered all my courage to confront him, y/n if not today he will be more pissed off tomorrow. So I quickly followed him, he didn't even turn back to acknowledge my presence I called him twice or thrice, but his stubborn ass didn't even turn back.

Taehyung 🐯!!..



And then he suddenly stopped walking and turned around to kill me with his glare

And then he suddenly stopped walking and turned around to kill me with his glare

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I gulped the lump down..


He growled!! And I was so scared by his tone, but y/n you need to talk to him.

Can I talk to you??

Tae: I don't want to..

Wait!! ...

He didn't even listen to me, and started walking away, but I ran and held his hands he yanked my hands away.

His Revenge |KTH| Fanfiction Where stories live. Discover now