✡Bringing her back ✡

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Y/n's pov

So, it's been a week or more that i have been here. Honestly this place is so good! I'm really happy living here, but my mom wants me to visit her! So I'm planning to visit her in 2 days.

Coco doesn't want me to go, because she knows my mom won't allow me to return until I stay there for a month! And right now I'm here in this park it's really a pleasant park! Its like my routine to come here daily.

BTS pov

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BTS pov

We are here in this park where jimin saw y/n last time. We have been here for almost 3-4 hours, and we can't see y/n anywhere. We are really excited to see her, we have covered ourselves pretty good because we don't want y/n to see us and freak out!

 We are really excited to see her, we have covered ourselves pretty good because we don't want y/n to see us and freak out!

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Suga's pov

We have been looking for y/n ,we have split around the park, but she is nowhere to be seen! If we don't get to see her I know the members will be really disappointed especially the maknae line.
They have been really excited to see her again! We were looking around soon jin Hyung spoke in his ear phone,

Jin:guyz she is here.
She is in the last gate of the park!

We all hurried to the last gate!And there she was walking alone looking at the sunset all peaceful. She is still the same, I can't forget the first time I saw her! She is still breath taking!
We started following her!

She didn't notice us because she was in her zone! She walked for a while and sat near a bench. And we all were waiting for her to get back so that we can know her location.

Tae's pov

As soon as jin Hyung mentioned y/n I ran towards her, and it was the same feeling, it was just like the first time I saw her, I stopped breathing for a second! Her eyes it was one of the most innocent feature of her face, her lips, her long hair, her small hands, her tan skin!

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