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Your pov
I woke up in this unknown room, it was different from my room and I had this weird pain in my head, it took me a while to remember what's going on. And then it strike me, I was freaking been kidnapped for gods know second or third time, but it wasn't BTS, and that made me hella scared who the fuck are these people, what do they want?

I was trying to get up, but what held me down was a metal chain engulfed around my ankle, what the freaky, they chained me what do they think, am I a dog or something! I was struggling to open that shit around my leg, when the door opened revealing this not so familiar people in front of me.

They had this smirk on their face and to tell I was afraid was a understatement, I was petrified looking at each of them, who the hell are they? And then I locked my eyes with a familiar face and I wish I wouldn't recognize him in the first place

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They had this smirk on their face and to tell I was afraid was a understatement, I was petrified looking at each of them, who the hell are they? And then I locked my eyes with a familiar face and I wish I wouldn't recognize him in the first place. He was the last person I wanted to see in this moment.

As soon I recognised him, that's when it hit me

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As soon I recognised him, that's when it hit me. They are the same people who I met in the theater, with whom the BTS had a fight with, what was their name, ah y/n you idiot! Remember, huh.. E_XO yah yah EXO!
I was sweating from looking at his face, I do remember him telling me that he would do wrose things when we were alone, and thinking all the stuff he could do to hurt me, made me shiver.

Sehun: So finally babygirl! You're here..

I looked at him, he was coming towards me and I couldn't even move from my spot thanks to that fucking chain.. He was inches away from me, and I was looking to the opposite direction so that I couldn't have to see his disgusted face. He griped my chin aggressively and made me look at him, tears were shedding continuously and he was smiling looking at my state!

Sehun: Look at me when I am here, I don't handle your tantrum. Do you get it!

Let me go, what have I done, to be here ??

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