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Your pov

I woke up from something heavy on my waist and when I turned around he was sleeping peaceful,

I woke up from something heavy on my waist and when I turned around he was sleeping peaceful,

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I don't remember him coming here, maybe he came after I slept. My hands was on his chest, I slowly pulled away so that he could sleep.

I woke up and did my routine when I came back he was still sleeping, maybe he is tired!!!

It was around 9:30 and jin oppa could come anytime to call me for breakfast! I had to wake him up, I slowly shaked him but instead of getting up he pulled me towards him,

Ahh!! Taehyung 🐯

Tae: Hmm...

You need to wake up, jin oppa will be coming soon.

Tae: I don't want to,

By that he buried his head on the crook of my neck, it sent tingling feeling around my body. He hugged me tightly!

Yahh!! Stop doing that ! You need to go to your room. Just wake-up..

With that I started pushing him, and then he opened his eyes and smiled at me.

To be honest it was the best smile I have seen in my entire life, seeing him smile made me smile too..

Tae:  Instead of pushing me to wake up, you could just kiss me

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Tae:  Instead of pushing me to wake up, you could just kiss me.

Shut up! Just go already, if you don't want jin oppa to kick you out!!

Tae: But I'm still sleepy princess,

Go to your room and sleep, just go jin oppa would be coming soon!!!

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