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After that, coco took me to nurse room. They were treating my wounds. In meanwhile Mr. Kim as in woobin's Dad was called to the school.

After I was done with first aid, I was called to the Principal's office room. I was accompanied by coco, my mom and Mr. Park. My mom was sobbing so badly looking at my state.

When we entered woobin and his friends and his Dad were present. I was told to explain everything, and I told them everything from the start to the end.

And while I was telling them everything my mom started crying she couldn't take all the information at once that was too much for her, and she held my hands and

Mom: Why didn't you tell me all this, why did you suffer alone.

I'm sorry mom, I didn't want to hurt you.

Coco: You could have told me everything, was I that outcast??

No!! I was just____just scared!!!

Mr. Park: Scared?? Of what!?? Him?? You don't have to I'll make sure I'll ruin his whole life..

Mr. Kim: Your such a disappointment woobin, how can you treat a girl like this, is this what I taught you.

Mr. Kim was fuming with anger, I didn't think he would react in such anger, I was thinking he would defend his son but I was wrong!! He slapped woobin in front of everyone..

And in other hand woobin didn't speak anything in defense I guess he was scared of his father! Who wouldn't be Mr. Kim by appearance itself looked like a very strict person which he was.!!

Mr. Park announced he would let police to handle this, for which Mr. Kim agreed!! I could see the fear and anxiety in woobin and his friends eyes.

They were terrified. But principal had different plans he convinced Mr. Park not to let police get involved in this matter.

At first Mr. Park didn't agree but after that he agreed to it. But he had his conditions..

1.He told woobin to tell the truth about all this in front of the campus.

2. He and his friends should be Resticated!!..

For which both principal and Mr. Kim agreed. Soon the whole campus was called to be assembled in the ground.

And woobin was forced to confess in front of the whole campus, he told everyone that we didn't sleep together he lied everything just because I didn't agree to him. He apologized to me in front of everyone.

After that I was taken to the hospital, I was examined, and all the bills was paid by Mr. Kim!! Mom and coco didn't leave me for a second. I was so happy to have them in my life.

Thankyou so much, if it was not because of you, I don't know what horrible things he would do to me...

Coco: Don't thank me, thank your mom. She called me when you didn't return from school yesterday. She was so scared. And for your luck dad was also there in town.
I called him and explained everything. And then I came here and when we were looking for you in the school area I found you with him.

Yn: Thank you mom!! And I'm sorry I didn't tell you everything. I was scared, if I would tell you he would do worse things.
I was scared because he is Director's son, and everyone would believe him just like the students did. Everyone would hate me.

Mom: I don't care what others think! I know how you are, and I know you would never do something like that! And from now onwards never hide anything from me.. Okay!!

*smiling* okay

I was discharged from the hospital same day. I thanked Mr. Park for helping me. And coco announced that she would take me with her to Seoul. At first mom didn't agree but coco being coco convinced her.

I told her I have to complete my school, but she told me that I could take transfer from here to there.

And I agreed!!.. And from that night my nightmares started it never stopped it just became worse day by day. At first I told mom and coco, but I couldn't bother them everytime. That's when I started to keep things to myself.

After 2days, I went to school to take my transfer papers with coco. There was no way I would face all of them again alone.

And when I entered the school again everyone were staring at me but this time it was not from disgust but from pity.. And soon one by one they came to me to apologized for their behavior.

And I was revealed that they did come to know the truth.

But you know in the corner of my heart it hurts that they believed him all this while. And now at last when they know what happened, everyone are just pitying on me!! .. But that's okay, I won't have to face them again. I'm going to live a different life in Seoul..

And then I moved to Seoul I completed my school. And when I joined my college ,i Hardly went there for a month or so, then I was kidnapped by you.


When I told them everything I couldn't control my tears, even after all these years, it hurts it's still the same pain. I can never forget those 2 incidents.

Tears were rolling down my cheeks non stop. And when I looked at them, regret was evident in their eyes.

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