🔥Unexpected Encounter 🔥

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Your point of view
It was one of those evenings where I could not tell what I was feeling there was something wrong with my feelings I know I should forget my dark past and move on..
Like come on don't every girl go through this phase huh **

Around 7:30pm

I was again standing in my balcony looking at the night sky enjoying myself

I was again standing in my balcony looking at the night sky enjoying myself

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And when I think I was having my *special me time* there she shouts

Coco: aarrrggggggghhhhhh I have nothing to EAT

There goes my peaceful evening 

What is it girl why are you shouting like your gonna brust

Coco: Look babe I have nothing to eat this world is so unfair

There she goes again

What's there to rant about go down and get something to eat like you always do

Coco: I want to go.... But my body is so lazy to even lift my arms..

Then stay at your bed and keep shouting

Coco: yah don't be like that help your little friend plzz

Little and you huh I doubt babe

Coco: please please pretty please I'll go from next time plz today go down and bring me some food I'm starving

And then she goes on pleading  that drama queen... But I can't say NO to her she has been helping me so much she really is a bestest friend I can ask for ..

Okay okay..... Fine I'll go
Give me 5min I'll change into something and then go down and get your food princess

Coco: thank you so much I love you
And yah take my jacket don't need to change it's near the stand over there

Huh fine I'll take your jacket I'll back in 5..see ya

Coco: come fast don't take too long you know na I'm starving like hell

Okay princess I'll back soon

I come out of my room and start walking down through the alley it's really beautiful here I should come here often around this time

I come out of my room and start walking down through the alley it's really beautiful here I should come here often around this time

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And I reach the store and purchase food for coco..
The shopkeeper here are really good

I start walking back to my room and I feel some one is really hanging around me I don't know why but start walking fast

And I feel the shadow behind me also started walking fast
I'm really sweating now I should not have come out at this time gosshhh what was I thinking

Is it him?? Again?? Nooo?? Please don't be him
No no y/n clam down it can't be him

Okay clam down girl

And I don't know how but I can see my room from here.. Finally I'm here you can do this y/n 30 more steps and you'll be there.
I'm safe

In a hurry princess

When I heard the Shadow's voice I freaked out God save me.. I started panicking and all I could do was RUN
Run y/n Run...

Don't make us run for you princess we have been waiting for you.. 
Don't make things hard for both of us

Shit! Shit there are 2 people

No no run y/n you can't been standing here frozen just get that damn legs move runnnnn damn it

And I don't what got into me I started running even though I was like meters away from my room I thought it was like a mile away from there...

And suddenly I could feel arms around my waist damn I'm ruined

Come on princess we don't want your neighbors know about us!! Do we?

And that's it.. I started screaming let go off me you freak.. Aaahhh help help someone plz help me damn it let go off me

You are noisy princess jk hurry the fuck up I'm gonna be deaf...

And when I'm struggling for my life.. This big muscular man comes in front of me I can't see his face because he is covering himself and he covered my nose with some sort of clothing and boom

Everything went pitch black..
Lastly I could only mutter words like

Let go off me



Good job jk.. Hyungs will be proud of us

Now let's take here to our place
Everyone else are waiting for us especially for her..

Jk: she will pay for her dad's sins..
Let's go hobi hyung

Hobi: yay


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So guyz here is first chapter of the Story I guess you like it
Love ❤😘❤😘love ❤😘
Another members Will be introduced in the next chapter see you guys there 🥰😍

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