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Your pov

Can you all stop, and tell me why are you here!

Tae: To take you back!


Jimin: Home!

I'm not coming!

Suga: What are you going to do then? You've left your job didn't you.

You know that too!

Suga: We know every small details about your life. We know everything!

I paused at his words, so do they know what happened back in the office. That can't be right, we were inside the office, I looked at them

Jimin: We mean everything, also what happened inside the office.


Rm: We are called BTS for a reason?

Hmm, whatever!

Jin: Don't whatever us. Now tell me are you coming with us right now or tomorrow.

I'm not coming with you, can't you get that!

Hobi: And what are planning to do alone, do you know how difficult it is for a single girl to lead her life here. You even lost your job, how are you going to handle everything.

I have got a new job here, I can manage myself!

Suga: How and where did you find your job huh?

Mm, I __ I'm working in the general store near, and one of my friend helped me find the job!

Jk: And who exactly is this friend of yours?

You don't know him!

Tae: Minho,

He replied with gritted teeth, his reaction was enough for me to know how irritated he was. I looked at him, and there he was shooting draggers with his eyes. I gulped, even though I'm supposed to be the one who must be angry on him. He somehow ends up being the angry bird!

You__  you know him?

Tae: I know that you both spent the night together in his apartment, which I will deal with later on. But for now what exactly is going on your little head?

Nothing is going on,

Suga: Drop everything, your coming with me. That's it! I'm not convinced the fact that you are going to be alone safe.

He started dragging me out of the apartment.

Wait, just stop. Oppa listen!

That's it, he stopped! I know this word always work.

Suga: Don't try and act cute princess, I'm not gonna fall for your act!

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