..NOT HER ..

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Coco's pov

It's been 2 days that i have been searching for y/n and God knows where she is? I have filed a missing complaint but there is no clue where she is!?.. I have trying to contact my Dad.. But he is busy overseas..
Y/n's mom has been calling I don't know how long I can manage her!..
This is all my fault I should have not let her be alone.. All my fault *crying*

Ring Ring...

Phone conversation:.. .

Hello dad.. *sob*

Dad: what is it sweetheart.. Why are you crying ? Is everything alright?

Dad... Y/n...y/n is missing from 2days I don't know what to do??
I have filed the complaint but there is no response??

Dad: what?!
What are you talking. .
No way.. Y/n has been missing?
Where would she go?
She is new to Seoul how come she has gone missing??
Sweetheart don't worry I'll find out! Relax..
Y/n will be safe trust me!!!!

Okay.. Dad! Please make sure y/n is safe..

Dad: I'll I'll.. She is precious to me as well..
Take care sweetheart..
Love you

I'll dad.. Love you too..

End of phone conversation..

Mr. Park's pov:-

Y/n..how can she go missing! There is no way! She has been here for hardly 3 month's!
There must be something..
Dialing.. 📞📞📞📞📞📞📞

Hello Mr. Park! What can I do for you..???

Lee Min ho. .

I need a favor from you

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I need a favor from you..
There is this girl named MIN Y/N..
She is gone missing from 2days..
That girl is really precious to me and my daughter .
I need you to find out about her.
Make it as soon as possible...!!
Charge as much as you want.
But I need the girl!!

LMH:- Fine Mr. Park I'll get to my job soon don't worry!.. Mail me the picture of her!..

Okay.. Fine! But make it fast!..

"Picture mailed "

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