*knowing them*

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Your pov
So i did my routine and came down, I have not noticed it before but this place is huge. I would get lost here easily! Do they earn in millions?? They would probably be!!! I slowly made my way tracing the railing I don't know where am I going, soon I found the stairs and there they are waiting for me near a table! They were all looking at me! I gulped and my way down.

Soon one of them spoke!

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Soon one of them spoke!

Jin: come on Princess, we have been waiting for you. Look we have prepared everything you like!

I didn't complain anything I just followed them, they were all seem to be in a good mood and that's good! Because I don't want their beast to come out. Even though I look like everything is cool, deep down I'm freaking out.

Jk: You can sit with me, come on.

He dragged me with him. What the hell do he think of me, am I an animal he is dragging me. How much I wanted to yell at him, but no y/n that monster is also here, he'll rip you apart. I allowed him to drag me with him. He made me sit in between him and the shorter guy, and in front me was the monster himself. And everyone around had a sheepish grin. I was really not in a mood to eat! How can they except me to have breakfast with them when that bastards kidnapped me. One of them started serving me while praising his own cooking skills, I really wanted throw the plate and run away, but look who is shooting draggers on me.

When the hell will he stop staring at me

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When the hell will he stop staring at me. One of them told me to start eating. To be honest the food was good. I was eating quietly, nodding to them whenever they would ask me how was the food. We finished eating, and one of them who seemed to be the leader told us to wait in the living room as he wanted to discuss something. And why do I have to wait, if they need to discuss. Wait are they planning to make me a gangster. But I don't know to fight or shoot. I'm not even good at running. Huh dumbo y/n what the hell are you thinking. Your going crazy girl!. I was having a internal debate, when one among them came to me all smiling and dragged me with him, so that I could sit beside him. Seriously why can't they just tell me to sit rather than dragging me around. Even though I was at the urge of shouting at him I couldn't. Soon the leader made his way towards us. And then spoke,

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