😖Let me go😖

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Your pov

I was having nightmares again, it was always the same, the 7 seven of them with him sometimes.And yet again I remembered 2 hands, clothing and those eyes.

I woke up sweating like crazy. My eyes was blurry and I was having headache! I noticed that I'm not tied up but I'm not in my room this is not my room. It's a different place.

I slowly got up from the bed and quickly ran towards the door

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I slowly got up from the bed and quickly ran towards the door. And damn the door is locked, I went towards the window it was also shut. I tried opening it but it was so tight! I was trying again and again to open the damn window mean while I heard footsteps. I ran back to the bed and hid myself to pretend like I was unconscious. The door slowly opened, revealing the same 7 demons.

I quickly shut my eyes, I don't want to face them again

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I quickly shut my eyes, I don't want to face them again. I'm not ready to get tortured yet again. I clenched the blanket tight as if my life depends upon that blanket. Soon one of them spoke.

Jimin:We know your woke up princess. Come on open your eyes!

(Note: I hope you still remember y/n doesn't know their name's.)

Hell no! ... I went under the blankets even more

Hobi: come on princess, we need to talk! Wake up.

They started to tell me to wake up, but no, I'm not gonna face them again. I just buried myself under the blanket!
Suddenly I felt like someone is pulling up the blanket,

No no no stop what the hell are you doing..

He threw the blanket away.
Great! Now what am I supposed to do??

I straightened my posture., I sat there holding my knees looking down.

Tae: Chin up Princess,
no one is gonna hurt you.
We just need to talk.

Let me go please, don't hurt me!


I'm not coco.

Please let me go!

Tae pov

She said in such a innocent tone, she looked awfully cute! How can she be this cute. I wanted to hold her cheeks.

Jimin:No one is gonna hurt you baby girl.

Hobi:We just need to talk to you about the
Rm:We are really sorry for what happened that day.

Jk:We are regretting what we did to you.

Suga:I hope you know that you were not our target.

Th__en wh..y am I here ag__ain?? Le__t  me go__oo ple..ase!!!

Jk:Your here because we want you to forgive us!

I forgive you let me go! Please.

Not like that.
You need to forgive us wholeheartedly.
Now your just telling because your scared.

I__I re__ally forgive you!
Now! Please let me go.

Tae:Didn't I tell you, your not going anywhere till we say you to go!

Jimin:Look you don't need to be afraid of us. We will not hurt you.

Jin:Just stay with us!

Rm:Just think this is compensation for hurting you.

Jimin;You will have everything you ask for! Just don't try to escape

Jk:You know what will happen if you escape.

I don't want to be here.
I don't want anything from you. Please let me go home.


Jk:Look stop crying, your going to stay here if you like it or not.

Jimin: And we promise you that we will treat you in a good way.

Why can't you understand.. I don't want to stay here! Why are you forcing me. This is not how you ask forgiveness. Let me goo

Tae: *angry*
look you need to be here, if you like it or not! And you better keep your volume down! I don't tolerate all that get it. Everyone is trying to be nice to you. So be happy and behave.

Jin: Shhhh!
Shut up.. Your scaring her.


If you don't want to tolerate then let me go. Why are keeping me here? No one asked you to be nice to me.

Tae: Shut up y/n ,
you better keep that mouth shut.
Your staying here with us that's final! Now eat that dinner and go to sleep we will talk to you tomorrow. Hyungs lets go..

With that they all went out! I started crying again. Why are they doing this to me?? Why is it always me who is in pain?? What do they want from me!! Can't I be happy for a while. I cried all night

So that's it for this chapter, I hope you guy's like it.
I'll see you in the next chapter till then love❤❤love❤❤

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