❤DATE.❤.TAE, ❤

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I wokeup and it was weird that TAE was not beside me, I remember him coming to me last night guess he left early. I gotup and went to get freshed. when I cameout, I can see a dress laid neatly on my bed, with a note on it:

 when I cameout, I can see a dress laid neatly on my bed, with a note on it:

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"Get ready babygirl, see you downstairs"

I smiled at the note and went to get ready. and when i came down, Tae was all ready, we had our breakfast, i bid bye to everyone. He was holding my hands. I thought we were going in a car, but he took me near a bike!

 I thought we were going in a car, but he took me near a bike!

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Are we going in this?????

He smirked at me and,

Tae: Hop on princess, its going to be fun.

Arghh, he and his plans. He will be my cause of death for sure. With that I sat, he pulled me closer and made me hug his waist tightly. Eventhough we cuddle to sleep, hugging him like this was different. I was basically pressed to him completely, the ride was silent, it was just me and my thoughts, the air blowing pleasantly, passing trees and him. I think its just great to be like this, I put my head on his shoulder and relaxed enjoying the ride.

the ride came to a stop, when I looked around we were infront of a movie theater. He parked the bike and held my waist,! I looked at him and;

You can hold my hands instead!

Tae: Nahh!! I'm more comfortable like this...

I just shrugged, there's no way I can win him in any arguments. Then we were sitting inside the theater, he chose a romantic movie. And he laid his head on my shoulder, as the movie was going on he was laying on me completely. And suddenly I could feel his lips on my neck, he was basically sucking on it, I was suppressing my moans and then he spoke;

Tae: Let me hear you babygirl!! *smirk*

Tae you need to stop, there are people around us !

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