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Your pov

I was running as fast as I could. And I was out of breath! While running I didn't even realise I have come really deep down the forest

It was really dark I couldn't see anything. I could hear some insects sounds and those sounds scared me to the hell. I stopped running and looked around all I could see was dark forest that's it. How am I ever going to cross this. Y/n don't loose hope. You have to make it out of this forest, you can't get back in their hands. They are going to kill you. I started to run again my legs were giving up on me, but I couldn't stop. I'm pretty sure they are looking for me! And I can't rest now.. But in front of me was dark forest that's it

I couldn't stop, I kept on running. I don't know whether I'm going in a correct way or not. 

I just want to get as far as I could from them. And for how long I don't know from running, sun was raising and i could she things clearly, but still I could only see trees that's it nothing else.

When am I ever going to get out of this forest. I was looking around and walking, soon I heard my name being called from distance, and when I looked back there was my biggest fear standing right in front of my eyes fuming from anger. Beside him was jungkook. But all I could see was Taehyung.. He looked hella pissed..

I took some steps back, and then I started to run for my life. Not in a hell, I'm going to face that monster when he is fuming in anger. He normally looks terrible but now he looks more dangerous. Y/n run don't stop that monster will rip your skin. Run run..

Taes pov
We have been looking for her for really long time. Where is this girl, I hope you don't end up in a trouble Y/n be safe.

We were looking around when I saw Y/n looking around like a lost puppy. When I finally saw her I was revealed that she was safe.

But the thought of her running away from me made me anger. Jungkook called out her name she turned back, and when she looked at me, from her expression I could say she was scared, huh scared was a small word for expression.

But soon, she started walking backward and started running. Princess, stop playing games.

You can't run away from me. I and jungkook started running behind her, I guess she hid herself behind the trees.

Jk: Stop playing Y/n, come out! I don't want you to get hurt just come out.

Princess, stop it. You know you can't run away from us. Stop hiding, come out! Don't make me angry!

Your pov
When they started running behind me, I hid myself behind a tree.

I started crying, and I don't want to go back to them. They started telling me to come out.

Though their voice was low, I could feel their rage!! I was so terrified. I started crying even more, and soon, a hand on my shoulder startled me.

Jk: That's it princess, stop playing hide and seek.

No, I don't want to come back. Just let me go.

Tae: Drop that attitude Y/n, you're coming with us, that's it.

No, I'm not coming with you freak just let me go. I don't want to see your disgusting face.

Jk: You will see this face till the end. Now stop struggling and follow us.

By that, he lifted me and started walking. I started hitting him, but it didn't have any effect on him. I was a crying mess. Taehyung informed the others about me. I was really afraid to see them again.

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