*My entertainment they said-2*

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So after that tiring dance and reading, I came down to have lunch with hobi, and guess who was shooting daggers into my soul again.

I was coming downstairs and he was sitting in the sofa, looking at me like he would kill me anytime

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I was coming downstairs and he was sitting in the sofa, looking at me like he would kill me anytime. Why does he have to be this intimidating. We both stared at each other for a while but soon I looked away. Y/n why the hell are you looking at him, ignore him y/n he is dangerous! And yet again I was dragged by Mr. Muscles man, what was his name jungkook huh jungkook!  God he has a obsession of dragging me around. I was having my lunch peaceful while the eldest spoke.

Jin: Y/n after lunch would you like to help me in the kitchen.??

Hmm.. Dude just order me to work in kitchen then simply asking me. Even if I say I'll not help, you will force me to do. And the monster in front of me will eat me alive if I don't obey you people, so either way I'm doing what you want and you people say this, that your doing this for my entertainment. Huh

Okay, I'll!

Jin: Great! After all I'll have someone to help rather than this ungrateful brats!
Jimin: Hyung don't we help you!?
Jin: yah yah you people help me, I guess you'll help me in your dreams. Eat fast I don't have whole day for you. And you need to go remember! Tae you too have your lunch fast.

Okay! So the shorty and the monster is not gonna be hear! Great what a relief! I was having a happy dance in my head! Yahoo!.. And with that I finished my lunch I was about to take my plate inside while the short one spoke,.

Jimin: Princess I'll not be here for a while don't miss me okay!

Umm... You wish shorty! Why in the world will I miss you, I have better things to do! I didn't reply I just took my plate and went inside.

Jin: Don't mind him dear he is kind of a flirt when it comes to the people he likes.

I just forced a smiled at him!
Does that mean shorty likes me! God y/n stop thinking nonsense for a second. I looked at Jin he was cleaning the cabinet of kitchen I started washing the dishes. Soon he came towards me and told me do the chopping for dinner, so I went there to chop the veggies. And in meanwhile he was washing dishes. He was facing his back towards me and guess what he has a board shoulder, like really board, he likes doing kitchen works I guess I was not concentrating on chopping I was busy looking at him.

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And ouch!!! I cut my figures

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And ouch!!! I cut my figures. Why the hell are you daydreaming y/n. Can't you just stop staring at him like a creep.

Jin's pov
I asked y/n to help me in the kitchen and she said okay. We entered the kitchen I went to clean the cabinet first, and in meanwhile y/n went to clean dishes, and I didn't want her to wash dishes, one: because I just wanted her to be here in kitchen that's it I can manage the whole kitchen alone. And two: there was a lot of dishes to clean. So I said her to chop I guess it's easy. I went to clean the dishes and then I heard her voice when I turned around I could see blood in her finger, did she cut her finger?

Y/n are you alright?? Shit your bleeding. Come here fast! Let me do the first aid

I took her to the sink, to clean the blood with water. Meanwhile everyone were there in the kitchen I guess they heard her voice. And now I'm tensed they would scold me for being irresponsible.

Tae's pov
I and jimin were leaving for our mission, and when we're ready to exit I heard y/n's scream. What happened why did she shout! Me and the others rushed to the kitchen. And there she was holding her hands near the sink with jin hyung!...

What happened?? I asked jin Hyung

Jin: It's nothing she cut her finger while chopping.
Jk: Hyung, why did you give her to chop, you could have called one of us.
Jimin: princess come here let me see.

Y/n: It's just a cut, nothing happened!
Tae: y/n just come here let's see..
Hobi: Wait let me bring the first aid box.

I was really angry on jin Hyung why did he have to give her chopping. And this girl she really is absent minded, I could see she was holding her tears. I took her hand and went towards the living room, and she was like

Y/n: Umm.. I'm alright you can leave my hands. That's a small cut.


istening to her made me more mad..
Can you just shut up for a second, your bleeding for God sake! Let us treat you then you can speak. Till then don't even utter a word.

Your pov
Hmmm,,, this monster is really bipolar, why the hell is he yelling at me now. And can they just stop acting like they care, when they just tortured me to death! Now they are worried for a simple cut. He made me sit in the sofa, and hobi gave the first aid kit to jin.

Jin: It will sting a little don't worry okay.

They must be kidding, why are they acting like they never hurt me, dude if you have forgotten lemme remind you that you people tortured me with everything like fire to water, metal to chain. And now your concerned to apply medicine.Suga came and sat next to me he held my other hand, wait is he trying to help me ease the pain. Boy they are funny. I couldn't laugh because yeah that medicine sting! I was in between the monster and suga & in front me was Jin and everyone else were around us.

Rm: You can just rest here. Tae and jimin get going you'll be late..
Jimin: okay Hyung, take care princess I'll be back soon.
Tae: Don't you dare enter the kitchen again!

Huh!! He can't even be normal for a moment. With that they left!

Jin: Yeah Tae is right, you'll not enter kitchen again. I don't want you to get hurt again.

And I was so happy I don't need to work in kitchen! Huh, I'm happy. But my happiness can't wait longer

Suga: you can come with me princess you'll feel better if you listen to music.

There goes my happiness, why can't they just let me be!!

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