☸Waking up without nightmare☸

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I woke up in the morning without having nightmares, like it's a miracle! It's been 2 years straight that I have been having nightmares every single day. Today was different! I was about to getup but I felt heavy on my waist when I looked the other side there he was sleeping beside me all peaceful.

And it was the first time for me looking at him this close without him staring at me

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And it was the first time for me looking at him this close without him staring at me. He is so handsome.
Y/n stop drooling over him.
He had this faint smile on his face and this cute mole over his nose. I really wanted to touch it, I slowly moved my hands towards his nose and suddenly realization hit me. Y/n dumbo you can't do this, why are you acting like a creep. Get the hell away from him. I slowly started to get away from him, and then he spoke..

Tae: You can touch if you want, I don't bite.

Your awake???

Tae: How can I sleep when my princess is awake.

Shit!! Shit now he will think I'm creep. Great y/n!! Absolutely great work!! When will you stop embarrassing yourself!!..

Ahmm!! I need time wake up.

Tae: Sleep with me more! Your so comfortable to cuddle.

By that he hugged me tight!!.. He brought his face to crook of my neck. I could feel his breath! His hands around my waist, his legs tangled with mine. Do he think me as his teddy bear.

Yah!! You need to wake up before I kick you. Get up!!!...

Tae: You'll not kick me princess stop whining let me sleep..

Get up!! I need to use the washroom...

I started struggling to get out of his grip...

Tae: okay fine! There you go. We will cuddle tonight again.

What the hell! You'll be here again. Why can't you sleep in your room.

Tae: That's because princess First of all your comfortable to sleep with and second of all I can do whatever I want.

Your mean!!!

Tae: I can hear you princess..

Whatever!! ...

I pushed him aside and was about to get up, he pulled me down and kissed my cheeks.

Tae: Good morning princess..

Ahhh!!! You can't do that...

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