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Your pov

So I got ready to go to the shopping mall, if not amusement park let's just go to the mall, I don't have a choice do I??!! I picked up some simple outfit and went down to see them all ready and excited

So I got ready to go to the shopping mall, if not amusement park let's just go to the mall, I don't have a choice do I??!! I picked up some simple outfit and went down to see them all ready and excited

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I smiled at them, I was just remembering their weird faces. They are the actual clowns, to be honest,

with that suga oppa took my hands and led me to the car, I asked them about covering themselves, but they were like their faces are not revealed in the public, so it's cool.

In the car I and Kook sat together, taehyung was glaring at me. He signaled me to sit with him, but I wanted to piss him off, so I sat with Kook.

When we reached the mall, I could see people, especially GIRLS they were all looking at them as if they had never seen boys in their entire life. I mean, they are all good looking that doesn't mean you need to drool over them.

We went to so many shops, they all wanted me to buy something, but I had a lot of outfits there in the wardrobe, what would I do with the new ones,

I insisted that they buy something for themselves, and that was a bad idea. To be honest, they dragged me to the men's section, which made me sit on a chair, and then they began their fashion show.

To be honest, I didn't know they were all so into fashion, like literally they tired the entire mens section.

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