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Your pov

The whole night I was crying, I didn't know when I fell asleep.

Tae's pov

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Tae's pov

Hyung told me to get y/n down. They knew she would never listen to them, they also told me not to get harsh on her. Huh how can I be harsh on my princess. I went up to her room.
She was still sleeping I went near her, I could see dried up tears. And also the food was untouched. This girl is really stubborn!

I sat beside her and started to play with her hair,she looks really beautiful while sleeping! Slowly she started to open her eye's, for a minute she didn't react and suddenly she got up and backed away from me. Aww, that look in her eyes! I love it. ...

Get up princess!
Everyone is waiting for you for breakfast!
Take a shower and be there fast!

Your pov

I don't want to eat!
Just leave me alone.

Tae: Your being a really bad girl huh! Don't you want to listen to me when I'm being polite.

He then started coming closer to me, we were just a inches away from each other

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He then started coming closer to me, we were just a inches away from each other. I was backing away from him but he held my waist and brought close to him, we both were dangerously close to each other! I could feel his hot breath. I started to push him away, but suddenly he made me lay down he was hovering above me.

What the hell are you doing!?
Get the hell away from me.

Tae: What did I tell you about your volume huh! I don't like when you raise your voice front of me. And this is the last warning, next time if you raise your voice I'm gonna shut your mouth with my lips. And if you want that go ahead and raise your voice. I would love to taste you.


He spoke in such a deep voice, I had goosebumps all over my body. He really have that effect on me, it's not the first time I  was really terrified by him from the first time I met him!

I'll not! Now please get away from me.


Tae: That's like a good girl!

By that he let me go, I quickly went as far as I could from him.

Tae: And now baby doll, I have something important to tell you. I hate that attitude of your towards the others. You better listen to them, they are making efforts to make you happy and I would love if you appreciate it! You better obey me, I don't want you to disrespect them. Got it!

 Got it!

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I nodded, and kept looking down!

Tae: Words baby doll!
Let me hear you.


Tae: Great!
Now do your morning routine, change into something else! You have everything you need to wear in the wardrobe just pick something and come down quick! Don't make me come to you again.


Tae: That's like my Obedient baby doll! See you there.

By that he left the room, how can he be so intimidating. I don't have enough time I don't want him to come for me again. He is really scary! I quickly went to the wardrobe to pick something and when I opened the wardrobe I was shocked!!!

 He is really scary! I quickly went to the wardrobe to pick something and when I opened the wardrobe I was shocked!!!

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Is this for me??? I went inside to get something simple I don't think it's for me. And SUPPRESINGLY everything was of my size,.
How do they know my size??
Where they following me? Y/n they are mafias they can do anything. I quickly went inside the bathroom, so that gaze guy doesn't come back for me again.

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