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Jin's pov
I was wanting to know about y/n's feeling for a very long time. I could see she has this soft spot for kook but it doesn't seem to be something romantic, and in the other hand she was comfortable with jimin too, he seemed to be very caring towards y/n, and she's had kind of tamed to handle his Flirtious behavior. And with Tae, she was way too comfortable, I would see him hugging her waist and she was comfortable with him, it was not the same between Jimin and kook, she would always try to push them away. It was like she was only okay with tae touching her and not the other two. And to be honest I was really having hard time to figure out with whom she has feelings. And so I had this questioning session with her. And I had got my answer as well.

Suga: So what's with all that questioning?

Hobi: It didn't feel like a friendly session!

Umm.. I wanted to know something?

Rm: And what is it?

Someone is eager!

Rm: Why wouldn't I be! I know your not someone who randomly question people. There must be something going in your head!

Yeah! Yeah! You know me well!!

Suga: Then come on, spit it out!

So, I was just knowing her feeling's?

Hobi: And what did you find out?

Something interesting😜

Rm: What sort of feeling are you talking about?

Okay! So we all know that the maknae's have feeling for her, and I wanted to know, with whom she feels something more.

Suga: You better stop match fixing my princess, don't let your gross imagination ruin her innocence.

Oh god! Suga.. Stop over reacting. You can't control feelings. And I somehow know you can't even control. She is in love already

Suga: Stop it hyung, it's absurd! She is too innocent for all this. And more over I don't think the maknae's are serious.

Trust me suga! She is in love. The one she is in love is damn serious about her!

Suga: Who the fuck is he? Didn't I tell them to back off. I don't want anyone to hurt her not physically nor mentally.

You need to calm down! Don't you trust our maknae's. To be honest each one of us care about her, and no one is going to hurt her. But you need to understand their emotions too..

Suga: Just tell who it is?

Hobi: I guess it's kook! I have seen them together a lot of times. And she is comfortable around him more than anyone.

No.. Not him!

Rm: Is it jimin? Gossh! Finally his charm has some sort of effect that's great, he really care about her. I can say he will take care of her more than anyone.

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