☣Healing ☣

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Taehyung pov

She bursted out everything, but what hurt me the most,was that she believed that everything was fake, how__how can she think that my love for her was fake, she is the one I fell in love with, I loved her whole heartedly! I can't take this, I can handle her hate but not that she thinks my love for her was just an act. No she needs to know that, this 3 months was not easy for me too, I was dying to be with her.

I ran behind, she was so close to shut the door on my face but I held her wrist tightly! She was struggling to get out of my grip, she was in the urge of crying,

You: let me go, what is it left??? Go away.

I'll not, not until I tell you that my love for you was not fake,

You: Huh! You want me to believe that!

You need to y/n! I know letting you go was stupid of me. But trust me that wasn't easy for me though! I was dying each day! I wanted to run back to you,

You: But you didn't, you let me suffer! You let me go through hell! I deserved a better good bye.

I wasn't in the situation, to come back princess. I couldn't, I wanted everyone who would hurt us to be destroyed. I wanted our future to be secured!

You: You just threw me away to secure our future, are you even listening to yourself? Are you even getting any logic?

I know that was stupid of me, but trust me princess, if I had any other choice, I would never let you go. You know me!

You: At this point, I don't know what are you, your just a mystery for me.

I took her both hands and kneeled down before her, I wanted to let her know that she is special, there's no one in this entire world as important as her.

I know I messed up, but just give me a second chance, you have every right to be mad on me, every right to hold a grudge. I'll not expect you to forget what happened, but just know I didn't fake anything. For a while I was happy just because I had you. You made me complete, but now that your not with me I feel lost, I feel incomplete. I'm stuck in this darkness. But I can't blame you, you were always so sweet. You made me feel million of things, which I never thought I could feel for someone. Its okay for you to be angry, it's okay for you to be sad. I'm sorry I messed up, I let you go. I hope we can make it up, because I can't live without you, I want you so badly, I want you to be mine, I want you to be my everything. Please give me a chance.

She didn't say anything, she just looked at me, she was holding her tears back, whereas my tears were rolling down. I couldn't believe that I'm crying in front of her. But at this point I didn't care, I wanted her back. That's it! She kneeled down and wiped my tears.

Your pov

Looking him cry was new for me, my heart was clenching looking at his state. Why does it hurt so much to see him like this, didn't I wanted him to feel what I felt, but why can't I stand him crying. Why is it hard for me to see him kneeled down like this, why is it hard???

I kneeled down and wiped his tears, I was looking at his eyes, it was red from crying. I wanted to hug him tight and end everything. But I couldn't,

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