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During school days (3 years back)

I was in my finals in the school! And it was all pretty good, I had few friends to talk to. I was very shy to make new friends, and coco was in Seoul school! I was in busan school!..

And one day our teacher announced that college seniors are assigned a project work where they will be paired with us.

It was not a new thing actually, because every year they will have some sort of assignment where school and college students are assigned to do a project work together!!

I was not good at interaction nor did I know anyone from college, so I was okay if anyone wouldn't pick me, and soon the day came where the senior's had to pick a partner.

We were all called to the auditorium and when we entered seniors were also present!!.. They were less in numbers compared to us, so I was revealed that I wouldn't be picked. I was standing in the very back line 〰...

Soon the seniors started calling certain names of my classmates and suddenly someone called my name and I was shocked!!

When I saw who it was I had no idea!! It was my first time seeing him. He called me to join near him. I quickly went and stood beside him,

I was cursing him internally why in the whole world did he choose me??

And soon everyone were paired! Teacher announced that we could leave, I was about to leave when he called me..

Hi.. Y/n!!


I awkwardly bowed!! I'm really bad at speaking to someone..

I guess we didn't had a proper introduction, I'm Woobin, Kim Woobin!!...

He pleasantly smiled at me

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He pleasantly smiled at me.

Umm I'm Min Y/n!

I know that! One of the teachers suggested your name!!by the way can I have your number??


Hey don't get me wrong. we are gonna work on a project together!! And I need to discuss things so!!..

Yeah yeah that's fine.. It's #########

Thanks!! See you soon.


Sweet guy! I thought for myself and made my way towards my class. Whole day went by like that.

And when I reached home I did all my homework and everything at last when I checked my phone I had new text from a unknown number saying!!..

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