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I was so happy watching the anime after that we had dinner and I was really glad I didn't had to do anything. After that I was feeling sleepy, suga oppa told me to go to bed. And in the meantime shorty, monster and muscle pig were there in their room. I bid the rest good night and went to the room. I did my night routine and when I closed the doors to the washroom I flinched back.

What the hell are you doing here???

Tae: Checking on you??

He was sitting on the chair, when did he come in, why didn't I hear anything. He was sitting there looking all hot!

Hot!???? Y/n you need to stop drooling over him

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Hot!???? Y/n you need to stop drooling over him. He is the monster remember.

Umm.. I cleared my throat.. You can go! I'm fine..

He didn't even move a muscle, instead he stood and came towards me! I took some steps back he held my waist and brought me close to him..

What are you doing??

Tae: Taking care of you

Why does he has to speak in such deep voice. My throat went dry, he is literally hugging my whole body. Y/n don't fall for his tricks!

I'm comp__letely fine, I do_n't need you to ta_ke care of me. You can le_ave

Y/n why are you stuttering??

Tae: Hmm.. You know even I researched about the period and it was written that you need to cuddle, you need warmth princess
And I can give you warmth!! *smirk*

Look! I don't need all this. You can go, I'm fine!

Tae: Baby!! Do you think I'm here to listen to you. You will follow everything I tell you to do. So stop complaining and obey me.

Bu__t!! If you don't go I'll call suga oppa!..

Tae: aww is my baby threatening me!! Huh, do you think I'll allow you to call him.. Baby I'll seal your lips with mine. I'll not allow you to call anyone.


Tae: You heard me right baby!! Didn't I tell you I don't listen to others. It's either my way or high way!! And for you babydoll you need to obey me.

Please go out!..

Tae: No baby doll! You need to follow me come.

With that he took my hand and dragged me towards the bed. I was struggling to pull out from his hold but boy he is strong, he made me lay down and he made himself comfortable near me. I gulped looking at him, he was inches away from me. He put his hand on my stomach, I tried to push his hands, he glared at me, I stopped doing anything and kept looking at him.

Tae: Close your eyes princess, you need to relax.

I immediately shut my eyes tightly, he was drawing circles around my stomach, and for some reason it was feeling good! I was slowly drifting off to sleep but suddenly he put his hands inside my shirt, I immediately woke up and pushed him.

What the hell are you doing??

He didn't say anything instead he pushed me down again to lay down and he brought his face this close to me, his lips was so close to mine and he spoke,

Tae: Baby relax! I'm not doing anything yet! *smirk* I want to help you feel good! I will not put my hands anywhere else, so close your eyes and sleep.

You can't put your hands inside my shirt. Go back to your room.

Tae: I can do anything baby girl and you can't stop me and you know that! But trust me I'm not planning anything yet, so don't give me ideas. Just close your eyes I'm trying to help you.

I don't want your help!..

He was looking at my lips.. And he was leaning in, and turned my face other side!..

Tae: I know you don't want this, and trust me I'm waiting for you and I'll. So stop thinking nonsense. I'm not doing anything yet!

Yet?? What did he mean... I was looking at him with some sort of answer but he was just staring at my soul!

Tae: Close your eyes baby girl! You need to sleep.


Tae: Just do as I say when I'm being polite don't make me do it in my ways.


e growled at me with that deep voice. Soon I shut my eyes.

I could feel he was leaning near my ear, and I clutched the bedsheets tightly! He was slowly moving near my neck I had to hold my breath! He kissed my earlobe and said good night. And I was laying there sweating to death, my whole body was on fire. When he put his hands again on my bare stomach I inhaled hard! He was drawing circles around my belly button and it was sending electricity to my whole body. I couldn't even move a muscles of my body. He really know what to do!! After debating for how long I don't know finally I slept!!

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