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Jungkook's pov

I was looking at my princess crying and yelling at my hyung to not to let her go. But I was stopped by jimin Hyung, just why are they being this way. What's wrong, it hurts to see y/n crying her eyes out and still the Hyungs are not letting me go comfort her. And then Mr. Park and that girl, coco took my princess away, I was struggling in hyungs grip. It was killing me to let go of her. And then when finally y/n was out of the mansion, everything just silenced.

The moment before her voice was echoing all over, but now it's dead silence. Only our breathing was heard, none of the hyung talked, they were all looking at the door. And I was fuming in angry! How can they let her go.

Why??? Why the help did you let her go?

Jin: Kook, not now.

Then when,

I yelled why are they hiding everything from me. I can't stay quiet, not when my princess is gone.

Rm: We had to!

Seriously hyung, why didn't you stop her. What the fuck is going on?

Suga: It's because, she was in danger.

And you let her go! Even though you knew she was in danger? Hyung, come on, she need us now. We need to protect her.

Jimin: She is safe there!

Who told you huh?? How can she be safe there. Hyung she is safe here, with us. We can protect her, how can you let her be with him. What's going on in your head.

Suga: We have talked about this, kook! She will be in danger if she is with us. We can't put her in danger?

Jin: And we are not letting her go for ever. We will bring her back, first we must deal with the exo?

Hobi: Exo? How and why are they back in the story? What the hell happened after we left. Why are you all behaving like we aren't capable of protecting her huh. Did you forget we are BTS for gods sake.

Rm: We have a reason hyung!

Whatever it is, just spit it out hyung! You're just testing my patients. Trust me if the reason is something stupid. I'll get y/n back!

 I'll get y/n back!

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