1. Finally, We're Free

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Here goes the 1st chapter... 

Everyone is taking pictures with their friends and family. They all look happy. I mean why wouldn't they. 

"We're finally graduating!!" I said while stretching my arms up in the air. 

It's the graduating ceremony today and we just received our certificates. 

"Mr J: I'm very honoured that I got a chance to teach each and every one of you this year and I wish the best for my students in the future. Congratulations!!" Mr J said while clapping for all of us. 

Soon after his speech, everyone started screaming with joy, we took a group picture and went back to our friends and family. 

I just smile seeing how happy the other students look with their family. I wish my parents were here to celebrate this event with me but sadly they can't. 

I was busy playing these thoughts in my mind when someone called...


I turned around to see who that voice belonged to.

"Chaeng, here!!"

I quickly waved at the person and ran up to her. It was my best friend Dahyun. She was there with her parents waiting for me to join them.

As soon as I reached to her, we hugged each other as we're finally graduating high school.

"Chaeyoungie congratulations on graduating!!" Dahyun's eomma said. 

"Thank you eomma."

"Congratulations girls, both of my daughter are now high school graduates!!" Dahyun's appa said while fake crying who earned a hit on his shoulder by eomma.

That's right. I call Dahyun's parents eomma and appa since they treat me like their own daughter. They told me that I'm like a daughter to them so I should call them eomma and appa instead of uncle and aunty. 

I'm not gonna lie, I actually like this. In fact, I love this. They give me the love that my parents couldn't give. I genuinely think that I'm lucky to find such loving parents.

While we're having a laugh about appa's terrible acting I noticed Tzuyu coming towards us with her parents.

"Hey guys, let's take a picture," Tzuyu invited us for a group photo.

We both nodded while smiling. I was so happy even though my family is not here. I have Dahyun and Tzuyu my best friends and their parents who consider and loves me as their own child. 

"Aah you three are finally graduating," said Tzuyu's appa while fake sobbing.

Me, Dahyun, and her parents looked at each other and started laughing as Tzuyu's mother is now hitting her husband for his childish behaviour. 

Tzuyu is just there standing with a face that has cringe written all over it.

Dahyun and I can't help but laugh at the scene we're witnessing right now. Since we just encountered something similar. 

This is hilarious.

Tzuyu's parents came here all the way from Taiwan a week ago to congratulate her on graduating high school. They are one happy family. Tzuyu is so lucky to have parents like them. They care so much about her and calls her almost every time which kind of irritates Tzuyu sometimes. She loves it when they call her since she misses them too but she gets really annoyed when they call her during her lessons. She even got into trouble once. It was really funny to see her get into trouble since she was "THE INNOCENT STUDENT".  

As for Dahyun, she lives here with her parents. Her parents are really nice. The most understanding parents you can ever imagine of. They're soft as well. Her eomma is the most friendly and loving person you will ever meet. It's so easy to have a conversation with her. I can speak with her without stuttering which is a record since I find every parent intimidating. As for her appa, I seriously don't understand what gets into him. He becomes really crazy sometimes. His funny actions never fail to entertain us. He is the funniest man in the whole entire universe. I'm sure Dahyun got the goofy humour from him. 

After our picture session, their parents went home. Well, we kind of shoo them since we wanted to enjoy our graduation by ourselves too. 

We were walking towards the school gate when Tzuyu spoke. 

"How about we go to the café?"

Dahyun and I both agreed and we all headed towards our hangout place. 

We entered the café and ordered our drinks and pastries and went to a vacant table. After a few minutes, our order came and we continued our planning for the trip. 

"So?" I asked after explaining the plan. 

The other two looked at me while smiling and gave me a quick nod. I could tell they both loved the idea. Just like that, we kept planning about the activities we would do while enjoying our pastries and laughing at the silly ideas.

To be continued...

Hey everyone,

This is the first MiChaeng fanfic I ever wrote so please support this fanfic like I support Twice with all my heart.

Also, stream More & More :)

Damn, I love that song. 🥰

Thank you for reading!! :)

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