2. I wish

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Dahyun's POV 

*In the graduation ceremony*

I saw Chaeyoung standing in the middle of the crowd while looking at other students and their parents. She must miss her parents. I turned to look for Tzuyu. She was with her parents but her eyes were on Chaeyoung. She saw me and gave me a sign. I nodded and quickly called Chaeyoung. 

I congratulated her for graduating. We were chatting about what we were going to do later when Tzuyu and her parents came. She invited us for a family picture so we agreed and took some pictures. We're all like a family. It's been like that ever since I know the two of them. 

Chaeyoung lives alone in her house and the same goes for Tzuyu too but their houses are close to where I live. Actually, we're neighbours. If we go to our balcony we can see each other. I remember when we first met. 


It was in our balcony. Tzuyu was already out there. It was when she first moved to the neighbourhood. Did she look sad? I wasn't quite sure so I went outside to have a chat. I couldn't stop myself. My parents have always told me that I have a talent for making others smile so I tried my luck. 

"You know what the name of that star is?" I asked her. 

She was confused and a bit startled since I came out of nowhere. I guess she didn't hear me properly. I mean she's on her balcony which is one house away from mine. I asked her again with a little bit of shout. She finally understood what I asked her and quickly shook her head as a no. 

"It's called Dahyun," I said in awe. 

She looked at me then at the star and said. 

"Aah," she said with a surprised tone. 

She stood there looking at the star. I guess she didn't understand the joke. I facepalmed myself. I usually introduce myself like this to others and earn a laugh. It's a pretty common name how did she not get it? 

She looked at me in confusion. I guess she saw me facepalm myself. 

I asked her "Where are you from?" 

"Taiwan" she replied. 

Ok makes sense why she didn't understand my joke earlier. 

"What's your name?" 

"My name is Tzuyu," she replied in broken Korean. 

It was funny the way she introduced but her accent was cute. I couldn't help but laugh. 

"Why are you laughing?" she asked. 

"Oh, I'm really sorry about that. It's just because you're cute," said I while trying to stop me from laughing more since it's rude. 

"Are you making fun of my accent?" 

"No, no, really. Your accent is cute."

"Ok then."

Thank god, I nearly died there today. 

"So what's your name?" she asked. 

I couldn't lie and say a different name so I said: "That star and I have the same name," Well, that is lying but still, she seemed to believe what I said earlier so I just continued. 

"Oh, Dahyun?"


"That's a really pretty name. You have the same name as the brightest star. You must have a bright future."

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