5. On the Way to Japan

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It's the next day. All of them are now waiting in the Incheon International Airport's waiting room to board their plane to Japan. 

Tzuyu's POV

We're all here waiting for our flight number to be announced. Currently, it's 11:00 am and our flight is at 11:15 am. So we have to wait for 15 more minutes. 

While we are waiting we ordered drinks and sat in the waiting area while chatting about our vacation.

I'm really happy to visit another country with my friends. It's something I always wanted to do since I was young. Go on trips with my friends whether it's another country or visiting a beach or mountainous place. I wanted to go there with my friends because I love those places and it's really fun to visit there with them.

I'm chatting with Chaeyoung and Dahyun but I feel like something is missing like I forgot something? 

Dahyun's POV

We were chatting about the trip when I realised that Tzuyu was lost somewhere in her own world. So I asked...

"What happened Tzuyu?"

"Oh, nothing." She replied with an awkward smile.

"I just feel like I forgot something." She added.

"Why don't you check whether you got everything or not?" I suggested.

She quickly nodded and reached for her luggage. 

But wait.

Where is her luggage?

Tzuyu's POV

As I reached for my luggage to check what the missing item is. I felt my hand hover in the air and it was at that moment that I realised, "I forgot my luggage!!" I exclaimed. 

All my clothes, accessories and my passport are there. How am I supposed to fly without my passport?

Chaeyoung's POV

As soon as I heard Tzuyu exclaim that she forgot her luggage. I and Dahyun couldn't hold it. We burst out laughing. 

I was kneeling down on the floor, one of my hands on the chair and the other one on the floor supporting my weak body that was caused due to all the laughter.

Dahyun was next to me sitting on the chair laughing her ass out. Both her hands on her stomach as she utters "My stomach hurts." I swear to God we died at that moment. 

I could sense a few eyes that were on us but we didn't care it was a hilarious moment. 

Tzuyu was just standing there dumbfounded. She then started to panic.

"What am I gonna do? My passport is there too!!" Tzuyu exclaimed.

"Hey, don't worry I'll ask my father to bring it over for you," said Dahyun trying to stop laughing. She then called her father.

"Hi, dad. Fine... No... We need your help... Actually, Tzuyu needs your help. She forgot her luggage at home. Could you please bring it for her??" Dahyun asked with a cute voice.

"What's the code to your house?" she asked.

"1423," said I. 

"Dad? It's 1423... Did you find it? Ok... Bye." With that Dahyun hung up.

"So?" asked Tzuyu.  

"He got it and is on his way here with your luggage," said Dahyun.

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