20. The letter

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"About the letter you left for me." 

"Oh that letter?" He smiled. 

He stared at the sky for a while and started the conversation. 

"Well I didn't have enough courage to face you after what I did to you. I was disappointed in myself so I wrote a letter for you saying how sorry I was to you and that I was leaving for Japan soon." He smiled. 

But it wasn't mentioned in the letter. 

"I know it wasn't on the letter you received." He looked at me and continued... 

"Actually I had a hunch that my parents would replace it. I had no friends other than you as you already know. So I could only give that letter to them so they could hand it over to you. I don't even know why they did replaced it. I didn't even expose them. They probably still have no idea that you know about how they used to treat me." 

Then why would they replace it? 

"What was written on the letter that you received?" He asked. 

"It said that you were transferring to another school and you will be living in a dorm. So we won't be able to meet. You were really sorry for treating me harshly and you were disappointed in yourself. That was the reason you decided to transfer school." 

He sighed and faced the ground. He didn't look angry or sad. I couldn't really describe his expression. He was perhaps sad? 

"I don't know why they lied about the transferring part. I just said that I will be moving to Japan for a reason I can't tell but that reason is the best thing to do considering what our relationship has come to. I knew I messed up so I wanted to be a better person by changing. I wanted to change to the person I used to be. The one that took care of you. The one that made you adore me. The one that made you happy and put a smile on your face. I thanked you for the things you did for me. For being friends with and never leaving my side even if you were not next to me." He paused. 

"But I'm glad that they didn't lie about the fact that I was really sorry for my actions." 

He then looked at me in the eyes and I could see the sincerity in it. 

"I really am sorry. I was a jerk for treating you like that. I don't even want to use my parents as an excuse because I know it came from me. Maybe if we just stayed as bestfriends we probably would've had a better relationship now." He smiled. 

I approached his hand that was rested on his knees and held it tightly. 

"You know I already forgave you." He turned facing me. 

I looked up and I could see his eyes glistening. The tears were building up and were threatening him to fall any second. 

"You were a jerk but I guess I knew why you were doing those things. I couldn't be angry with you for a long time. You know I blamed myself a lot when I got that letter. I thought our friendship ended because of me. I couldn't help but get worried at the thought of how you gonna make friends. Even when I introduced you to my friends you said you didn't like them." We both chuckled at that thought. 

"I wanted to see you and scream at you for leaving like that. I knew it hurt you but we agreed on breaking up as a couple not as best friends. You said you were fine with it and made me promise that nothing would change between us, our friendship and I told you that we will go back to as we used to were when we were best friends."  Now my eyes were filled up with tears thinking about all those moments me and JB shared in the past. Good or bad, it didn't matter. 

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