69. City lights

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She does have a point. Their parents seem like they're not going to leave them alone and I trust her and Jungkook so I won't have a problem with it but is it a good idea? 

Chaeyoung's POV 

This is the only way I can stay and get away from my parents. But of course, Taehyung and Jungkook Oppa have to agree with it. I don't want to force them into this just because of my selfishness. 

"To be honest, I'm not sure. I mean I don't have a problem with it but the thing is." He trailed off. I waited for him to answer. 

"We just broke up. I don't even know if he is going to forgive me. I left without listening to his explanations. I'm sure he hates me now." He said which is understandable yet funny. I chuckled and said... 

"Oppa, do you really think he hates you because of that?" I asked. He looked at me with his guilty expression. 

"If people can forgive their loved ones even after breaking their heart a thousand times, leading them to a life full of thorns and making them vulnerable just because you weren't there by their side, don't you think Jungkook Oppa will forgive you for a simple misunderstanding which wasn't even your fault?" He thought deeply about it. He was lost but I'm sure he can still hear me. 

"Remember that it wasn't your fault. It was the pictures that made you think we were together. I don't know who sent the pictures to you but-" 

"..." He murmured something. 

"Huh?" I asked looking at him. 

"It was his Dad." He said. He turned to me and asked for my phone. 

"Thank you Chaeyoung-ssi for clearing this misunderstanding of mine. I will have to find Jungkook right now. I will get back to you as soon as possible. This is my number. You can contact me anytime." He said in a hurry. I understood the situation and smiled at him when he gave me back my phone. He started running when I called him. 

"Taehyung Oppa!" He stopped and looked back. 

 "Goodluck," I shouted and smiled. He smiled back and started running again. 

I went to the place I was planning to go, Banpo bridge. I wanted to see the lights at night time because that is when the city looks the most beautiful. I had to leave Mina again and come here. So to ease my mind and heart I went to see the city lights near the bridge. 

I paid for my fare and walked to a bench. The area was crowded. I believe a lot of people here wants to ease their mind and heart just like me while others are here for tourism. I see lots of foreigners walking around and taking pictures. 

Didn't know this place was that famous or is it because of the beautiful view? 

I started walking and approached the bridge to have a clearer look at the water spouts. 

It's so beautiful. It looks like a rainbow. 

From time to time, she keeps visiting me in my mind. 

Though I miss her, I can't go to her. I can't be with her. This is how I will have to live for the rest of my life. 

I was enjoying the view with a heavy heart when all of a sudden people started to scream and point towards a certain direction. I followed the direction they were pointing at and I see. A man is about to fall off the bridge but he's been stopped by someone who is holding his hand. I realised that the man preventing the fall was Taehyung Oppa. 

Is the other one Jungkook Oppa? 

I can only see Taehyung Oppa's face from here and the other man's back. It doesn't matter who the other person is. They need help and since no one is going I'll have to go. 

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