14. I saw her pt. I

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I open my eyes and all I see is white. 

Did I make it? Am I in heaven? 

"Mina" I heard someone calling me. 

"Chaeyounga?" I looked over to the person who that voice belonged to. 


"Chaeyoung?" I spoke.

As my vision got clearer, reality hit me hard. It wasn't Chaeyoung who called me. It was Momo and Sana. I wasn't in heaven but in a room of a freaking hospital.

"I didn't make it?" I uttered before the tears rolled out. 

Momo and Sana hugged at once and started comforting me. They told me that it was them who got me here in the hospital and saved my life. 

"Why did you save me? You could've just let me die. I can't deal with this pain anymore." I cried. 

"Hey, Mina. Look here," said Sana. 

"Everything will be fine alright. We're here for you. Tell us if you're having a hard time. Talk it out but please don't do that again. Don't leave us like that. Not after Chaeyounga please." She pleaded as she started crying along with Momo. 

"You know Mama and Papa were really worried about you," said Momo. 

I looked at her with my teary face. 

"They love you and want you by their side. So if not for us then at least for them. Please stop doing this. They were so broken hearted when they found you in this state." She cried.

"I- I'm sor-" That's all I could manage to utter when the door burst open and in came my parents. They hold me tight in a hug like they were never going to let go of it. I hugged them back and cried in their shoulders then uttered the words that I couldn't finish before they arrived.

"I'm sorry," I uttered. 

My dad looked at me and cupped my face. 

"Don't be sorry. We're sorry for not being a good parent." He replied as tears rolled on his cheeks.

"We're really sorry Mina we didn't take better care of you," said my mom. 

"No, no. You both are the best parents I could ever ask for. I'm sorry for being a disappointment to both of you." I replied. 

It broke my heart to see my friends and family like this. My actions worried them a lot. I thought when I'm gone they would be able to live in peace. But after what I just saw, I know that they would feel the same thing I'm feeling right now and that is constant pain, regret, and heartbreak over and over in a loop like it's hunting you. They would miss me and want me by their side like I want Chaeyoung. I can't have Chaeyoung back but I know how it feels to lose someone very dear to you and I don't want anyone to feel this kind of pain. It's like you're dying but not at the same time. Your body is here but not your soul. It's really hard for me and I don't want my friends and family to go through the same pain. 

It's been 5 days since I've stayed in this hospital, tomorrow I'll get discharged finally. I want to leave this place and go see Chaeyoung. 

"So what are you going to do after you get discharged?" asked Momo. 

"First thing I wanna do is visit Chaeyoung," I replied quickly. 

"Are you sure?" She asked in a concerned tone. 

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