19. JB

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I'm completely shocked by finding my old friend or should I say, my ex-boyfriend here in Japan. 

Why and how is JB here? 

"You must be thinking how I'm in Japan right?" JB asked. 

"Oh." I paused for a while then nodded as a yes. 

"I flew here to Japan after someone broke my heart." He said with a sad grin. 

"Who?" I asked. 

Was that someone me? 

I haven't seen JB after we broke up. He stopped attending the school and later I found out that he already transferred to another school. I don't know what the reason was but I felt guilty. He already didn't have any friends and now that he was transferring school it made me kind of worried that he will have problems to make friends as he is a shy kid with no social skills. At least he had me at this school. 

"You." He replied. 

Me? I thought he transferred to another school. 

"But I thought you transferred school," I was really confused at this point since his parents told me that he transferred to a boarding school and since the school is far he had to live in a dorm. 

"Aah that's what they told you?" He scoffed. 

I don't know what's happening right now and I'm really confused. Why did his parents lie to me? They could've said that he flew to Japan. 

"They sent me to juvie here in Japan." 

I didn't expect his next words so it took me by surprise when he mentioned the 'juvie'. I kept quiet, listening to what he said while my head was hung low. I felt really bad for him. I admit he was agressive and hit me when we were together but what he needed was not some kind of constant torture. He needed love from his parents especially his dad. He needed encouragement and support from them but till now he hasn't received it. He still has those sad eye smiles which hurts me to look at. 

"I got a bit out of control after you broke up with me. So they sent me here." He smiled looking at me. 

That sad smile again. 

"I was already a disappointment to them but when they found out that I was uhm..." He paused. 

"Hitting you." He said in a low tone but full of sorrow. 

"They thought I was acting like a maniac which I was." He chuckled. 

If I didn't have broken up with him he wouldn't have to go through all those tortures. Considering how he was already struggling I just increased his problems. 

"So they sent me here. Actually I just got out. I was there for 4 years." 

After that, both of us went silent. We didn't talk for few seconds just sat there looking at the ground. I know it's because of me that he was sent here to juvie. From what I heard, they torture the people for their wrongdoings by either beating them or starving them to near death. I used to feel bad for those people who were sent in those places and thinking that my ex-best friend spend his 4 years there broke my heart. 

"How are you now?" I asked in a low tone. 

"Hmm, I'm fine." He nodded and smiled widely. 

Stop acting like you're fine. 



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