25. Partner

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Chaeyoung's POV

I saw Mina smiling ear to ear making her way towards Bambam and his friends. I don't like that guy not even a bit and seeing Mina acting like that makes me want to stop her and pull her back.

"Hey you good?" Momo eonnie asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I replied bluntly.

"Don't think much about Mina. She is not usually like this. You will be friends with her in no time."

"It's fine. I'm sure she is a nice person. It's my fault, I was acting really rude towards her just now."

"Why is that?"

I just thought about what to say to her.

"It's because of the incident that occurred earlier. That's it."

Momo and Sana eonnie laughed and then Sana eonnie spoke...

"I never knew Mina would do that." She said surprised.

"Same but why did she do that?" Momo eonnie asked.

"She said she wanted to confess to Bambam."

"Really?!" Momo eonnie exclaimed.

"Where did she get all that courage from?"

"She started talking about fate and destiny so I told her he wouldn't know unless she confesses."

They both shared a laugh with each other while I am thinking hard.

"Hey what are you thinking about?" Sana eonnie asked.

"Nothing. Um, we should go to them. Mina eonnie must be waiting for us."

"Yeah let's go before she-"

"Guys." Mina eonnie called.

"calls us." Momo eonnie continued and sighed.

Sana eonnie and I laughed while we were on our way towards Mina eonnie, Bambam and his friends.

They're just like Momo eonnie described.

After we met the rest of our group of 'friends' we enjoyed our time together and got to know each other better. I still only know Momo eonnie here. I'm getting to know Sana eonnie and she is fun to be with, Mina eonnie well she is pissed at me I guess and the others I don't really know much about them. All I know is that its Bambam who I hate (personal reason) and his friends who is in a soccer team with him. We were all enjoying ourselves mostly Mina eonnie and Bambam. They seem really close flirting with each other and all. I'm only here because Momo eonnie insisted me to join or else I wouldn't be around Bambam breathing the same air as him.

I looked over Mina eonnie and Bambam's direction as I heard laughs coming. For some reason, it bothers me to see Mina eonnie laughing with him. It's probably because she is Momo eonnie's friend and I don't want her to get hurt not after I found out she likes him and was planning on confessing to him.

What does she see in him?

What do 'girls' see in him?

"Alright let's head to our next destination guys." Momo eonnie shouted.

"Next destination?" Sana eonnie uttered.

Everyone was confused including me. Momo eonnie was just smirking deviously looking at us.

What does that smirk mean?

"But it's already late." Mina eonnie stated.

"It's something you can only do at night time."

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