Chapter One: Out of Wack

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I bolted to Angel Dust's bathroom to vomit for what seemed like the umpteenth morning in a row, hearing Angel's slightly annoyed sleepy groans for the hundredth time.

Angel came into the bathroom with a pair of hair ties and a brush in his hands, his eyes droopy as he started to tie my hair into two pigtails keep it out of the way as he rubbed my back.

I leaned against the toilet, my ass hitting the dirty tile floor after I stopped puking. "You know what, Angel?" I asked, exhausted, without static in my voice. My voice sounded very weak without the extra noise.

Angel looked surprised. "What, Al?"

"You are the most useful, perfect demon I could have as a 'friend'." I mumbled. We were "friends with benefits", meaning we had sex often so neither of us were too horny to work.

"Thanks, Al." Angel said, getting up. I attempted to follow, only to practically collapse into the other demon's many arms. "Whoa, there, honey, are you sure you should be gettin' up?"

"Yes." I growled, the static merging back into my voice as I stubbornly pushed him away. Angel gave up and wandered off to put on clothes.

I swayed for a moment before snapping to replace my clothes and summon my microphone staff. My red suit and microphone appeared on my figure and I pulled the pigtails out, brushing my hair.

I walked confidently down the stairs, putting on my monocle. I was still slightly off-balance, but it was hardly noticeable (or so I thought).

Husk looked concerned. "You look paler and you smell like stomach bile and last nights dinner, not to mention you're swaying. Are you good?"

"I'm. Fine." I ground out, seeing my radio-dial demon-mode pupils reflected in his amber eyes. There was a deep psychotic smile etched on my face. Husk held up his hands in surrender, pleading with me using his eyes. I sank down on a barstool, resting my head on the bar's cold surface. Husk petted my hair and at this point I didn't care enough to hurt him.

Husk put a cup of water and a piece of toast in front of me, muttering that it might help. I ate the toast quietly, sipping a little bit of water every few bites.

Niffty zipped down the stairs to clean up the lobby for the day, like normal.

Charlie unlocked the front doors, like normal.

Vaggie cursed in Spanish when she saw me, like normal.

Angel gave us all a flirty smile as he descended the staircase holding his pig, Fat Nuggets, like normal.

Husk rolled his eyes and took a swig of cheap alcohol, like normal.

I started crying quietly after Vaggie cursed at me.

That's not normal, nor good.

I raced up the stairs to escape into my private room, flopping on my bed to continue crying.

Why am I crying?

I don't know. I might as well just lock the door and sleep.

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