Chapter Seventy-Six: The Bookshop

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•Mercy's point of view•

"Huh. The bookshop's not here. Weird... I would've sworn-" Calypso muttered as we stood in front of a glass set of doors with nothing around them but a doorframe.

A man with white blonde hair and round features and an older style of clothes came running up with a Starbucks coffee in his hand and a brown book bag swinging on his arm.

"Oh! I'm dearly sorry for the wait, my dears, I'm not normally running this late getting here, but my husband had work and he was having the hardest time getting ready because he was so achy from what he had to do for work late last night. On top of that, I missed my bus here and I am very hesitant on flying because I could get shot down being an angel among so many demons who all hate angels." He chattered away as he unlocked the doors and pushed them open, causing the rest of the building to appear around the doors. He put his coffee down at his desk with his bag and took off the long black trench coat he wore over the vanilla-colored clothes he had on before smoothing out his stubbornly standing up hair to the best of his ability and facing us.

"Hello, sir." Calypso greeted the angel as an owlcat rubbed against her leg.

"Hello, Miss Calypso." He replied cheerfully. "What can I do for you today?"

"Mr. Aziraphale, this is my friend, Mercy. Mercy, this is Aziraphale. Aziraphale is my favorite person that isn't in our massive family because he owns a bookshop and I like books." Calypso explained to me. Aziraphale smiled at that simple indirect compliment.

"Nice to meet you, Miss Mercy." Aziraphale bowed to me politely.

"To you as well, Aziraphale." I replied.

"So, remember the journal you gave me to read? Well, we have things to add." Calypso said to Aziraphale, sitting up at a table in the center of the shop and opening the handwritten journal. "I saw this page with a fallen angel on it and noticed that it is missing a few types of fallen angels."

Aziraphale looked mildly surprised, but he still gestured for Calypso to tell him more instead of being angry and telling her she was wrong for doubting his knowledge.

"My foster papa, Jeff, is another type of fallen angel who used to be a guardian angel. And Charlie's wife, Vaggie, was a warrior angel before she took the fall." Calypso said, showing pictures of the two she mentioned.

"Oh! They are quite exotic angels, aren't they. Crowley, the fallen angel I drew in the journal, was a seraphim before he fell and he is rather plain in comparison. It may be because of how exotic he was in his former glory." Aziraphale suggested. "Do they have other forms they retreat into when they're quite fed up with the world?"

"Papa does. He turns into a brilliant blue and red bird with horns and a halo that just sits on Dad's shoulder. He's really small when he does it." Calypso explained.

"I don't think I've seen Aunt Vaggie change into anything else. I mean...she can meld her form into Aunt Charlie's appearance. That's when she steals Charlie's clothes." I shrugged. Aziraphale laughed knowingly.

"My husband steals my clothes too. It can be very...annoying, but also worth letting happen because you get to see your significant other curled up in your loosest clothing." Aziraphale explained as the door swung open, jingling the bell.

"Aziraphale? Where are you?" A female voice asked.

"Oh that's Anathema. I'll be right back." He whispered before bustling away. "Hello, Anathema! What are you looking for today?"

I felt curiosity wash over me and I crept to where Aziraphale was after turning into a spider(not that I wasn't one already). A human woman with light brown skin and the darkest hair was chattering away with Aziraphale in French, which I only understood bits and pieces of because of Grandpa, Grandma, and Dad. They all chatter in broken French when they think it's just them.

I did my best to translate before I registered that they were talking about herbs and spices used in witchcraft that Anathema needed.

I got off the shelf when they stopped talking and changed into my human form that I made with only a little bit of help from my parents. I wandered towards the woman, obviously very curious.

"Hello." I greeted her.

"Oh, hello there. I'm Anathema." She replied, holding out her hand for a handshake. I politely declined, as taught by Dad(see a stranger you're curious about, greet them, introduce yourself, don't let them touch you. They could have extra strings attached to their intention of shaking your hand).

"I'm Mercy." I introduced myself. "And you're a human."

A look crossed Anathema's face that said WHAT THE FUCK all at once before she regained composure.

"Yes, I am, but more importantly, I'm a witch. What are you?"

"A demon." I said simply with a shrug. "And Aziraphale's an angel of some sort."

"Oookaaay then." Anathema looked panicked or concerned or something.

"It's alright though. I haven't done anything THAT malicious yet. I'm only eight." I chuckled, waving at Calypso to come over in her human form. Calypso shook her head and remained firmly planted at the table in her regular form. "Alrighty then. What's the human world like?" I asked.

"Crowded. There are so many different types of people and creatures and mythical beings." Anathema sighed. "The worst part is that the human world is so very plain."

"Hell's not that bad. Sure, we've got a homeless problem, but there's so much diversity and it's always a different adventure driving by the shops because the shops sell really interesting items in some of them. We're going to the pride parade next week and Dad has been fretting over keeping us all safe while we're there because it is a stampede of destruction." I told Anathema.

"Oh dear. Who leads it?" Anathema asked.

"My Pops."

"Really? Why is it a stampede of destruction then?"

"Because that's how we do it."

"Hell is going to be interesting, isn't it? I'm going to end up there anyways..."

"Heyyyyyyy~ then you can join us in the stupid fun we have down in Hell."

"I suppose."

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