Chapter Ninety-Three: The Colosseum

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/Jeff's point of view\

I woke up again in the void, but this time it seemed like it was rotting, certain places having spiderwebs of cracks and darkness spreading through it. God was the worst part of the corruption. She had blackened hands and feet, her wings had splotches of black in them and were dropping feathers, her skin was cracked and bleeding black blood, and she had thousands of eyes all over her body.

"What happened to you?" I asked softly after several minutes of sitting in silence, watching her float with her head down like a ghost.

I was suddenly in a colosseum, crowds of angels looking down at me and roaring. I looked around for my opponent and Gabriel stared back blankly, like his mind had been wiped clean. He held Aziraphale's flaming sword and approached slowly. I summoned my mace, not willing to pass up the chance to beat the crap out of the most entitled asshole in all of the Heavens.

I took a swing at him, hitting him in his "perfect" face. His blood spilled out, golden like it should be for the unfallen angels. I looked around the stands. All of the other angels were almost robotic in how they cheered. Dad, Ani, and Vaggie sat frozen with disbelief and fear in the stands, surrounded by the brainwashed angels. I was hit with the sword in the right leg. To my surprise, the flames were out and it was just a baseball bat now. But, my ankle did not take the hit very well, as it snapped and I fell to the ground of the colosseum. Gabriel stood on my left wrist, breaking my hand. I cried out in pain.

I threw Gabriel off me with my good leg and scooted away on my bottom, grabbing my mace on the way, though it wouldn't be much help with my broken hand(it's easier to use as a two-hand weapon).

I stared up at my opponent as he swung the baseball-bat version of the flaming sword at my chest area. It made contact, breaking my ribs and knocking the wind out of me.

I slipped into a painful unconsciousness.

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