Chapter Fifty-Five: Binge Watching a Cartoon because Why Not?

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I absentmindedly hummed as I stitched together an octopus stuffed animal.

Stitches seemed to recognize the tune, even though where I had heard it before was hard for me to figure out. My son started to sing simply to the tune.

"If I could begin to be half of what you think of me, I could do about anything, I could even learn how to love. When I see the way you act,

wondering when I'm coming back, I could do about anything, I could even learn how to love like you.

Love, like you...

I always thought I might be bad,

now I'm sure that it's true 'cause I think you're so good and I'm nothing like you.

Look at you go, I just adore you, I wish that I knew what makes you think I'm so special

If I could begin to do something that does right by you, I would do about anything, I would even learn how to love. When I see the way you look. Shaken by how long it took, I could do about anything, I could even learn how to love like you.

Love like you...

Love me like you.~" Stitches finished and I thought for a few moments.

"What is that from?" I asked him hesitantly.

"It's from a cartoon that Calypso introduced to Mercy. It's called Steven Universe and that song was Love Like You from the end credits." Stitches explained. "It's quite wholesome and it's got a wedding between two ladies and they sometimes use they/them pronouns on some characters."

Angel came stomping up the stairs. "I heard there was the gay. Where? I must watch." He said with a wild look in his eyes.

"The cartoon he's telling me about. It's called Steven Universe, I think." I said with a small chuckle.

"Can we binge watch it?" Angel asked, hovering over me.

"Sure, why not have a lazy dinner tonight. Get Jeff in the kitchen please and get him to make chili mac." I told him, sitting up on the couch a little better.

"Okay!" Angel raced off and Stitches took that as his cue to go get the laptop the kids shared during the day and something to plug it into the tv with.

I know, normally I would be moving about right now, but I feel like I'm the size of a bus and I am not supposed to move a lot, so at least one person of my family is always nearby just in case. I'm supposed to go on bed rest next week until the triplets are born and I have never felt so useless because I have a month before they're born.

Valerie cautiously walked into the living room, her lavender skin looking more ashen than normal.

"Oh, hello, my dear." I greeted her as Mercy and Calypso raced up the stairs.

"Hey, Al." Valerie replied, a slight smile showing up on her face as she sat down on one side of me.

"You look grey, are you quite alright?" I asked, putting a hand on her arm.

" having a hard time using my name and pronouns...he swears that he's trying not to misgender me, but I don't know if he's telling the truth. And...I suppose I have not eaten properly in a few days." Valerie confessed. I growled and pushed off the couch to make her a piece of toast and hot chocolate.

"Not okay, darling, come on now. You are going to stay alive and be the awesome aunt to all five of my baby deer, two of which are in school now,so stop doing this nonsense." I softly spoke as I did the thing and handed her a piece of buttered toast and a mug of hot chocolate.

"Not my choice, my fridge ran empty and I wasn't planning on letting anyone see me until I figured out how to make myself look like a woman." Valerie said as she sipped her cocoa. I flicked her as I sat back down. Stitches came running into the room with Husk and Jeff on his tail, both soaring into the room on their wings.

I fixed Jeff with an odd look as he landed.

"I can still fly, Al, I just can't propel myself up high anymore. I never try to fly through, so it's fair the look you're giving me." Jeff laughed as he sat next to Valerie, who flinched away as if expecting Jeff to hit her when Jeff bumped his elbow against hers.

Stitches set up the thing as Jeff contemplated using the leftover chili he made the night before. Angel skidded into the room and sat on the other side of me with a soft grunt as he hit the couch at top speed.

Stitches started the first episode and we lounged around as Jeff hurried to prepare dinner so he didn't miss much.

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