Chapter Thirty-Nine: Stolas

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Angel poked the speaker button.

"Hi, bitch." Stolas said in his lazy way that sounded like the stereotypical prince.

"Hi, bitch." Angel replied causing me to laugh as I wiped the lube off my stomach and pulled my sweater and tank top down.

"What's up, dearie?" Stolas asked.

"I was wondering if you wanted to buy Valentino's porn studio off of Vox. Yea or nay?" Angel said, taking on that feminine tone as he talked.

"Ooh~ Is Wittle Vawentino having twouble with how much power he has? Awwwww..." Stolas let out a cruel chuckle. "Of course I'll take it, anything to be closer to my Blitzy and further away from Miss Prissy Princess Hoe over here. I want a divorce anyways. She can have the fucking castle." Stolas giggled.

"That's great to hear, especially from you, Prince Gay." Angel laughed. I snorted. These two are hilarious when they're talking to each other.

"Aw, thanks. How much is it?" Stolas asked.

"I'll ask Vox, hold on." Angel muted Stolas before asking how much.

Vox considered. "Fifteen bucks, take it or leave it. With the condition this place is in on the inside, it should be less, but I'm feeling nice." Vox laughed as Valentino looked offended. Then came another swat with the fly swatter.

"That's mean, but hey, he just abused my spider." I shrugged. Vox fixed me with a look that said that he knew and wasn't too happy about it.

Angel laughed like the idiot he is when he heard the price and unmuted Stolas. I held in a laugh again.

"Fifteen dollars in American currency." Angel giggled.

"That bad, huh? Well, that's not a problem, I'll just...fix it up, tear down some of the obnoxious lights and repurpose it as...a hospital or something, I guess. I've always been fascinated by medical practice... Sound good?" Stolas asked. "When should I pop by?"

"You bet! That sounds awesome." Angel laughed. "Mmmmm, probably in an hour, would be nice. See you soon, bird boy."

"Bye, bubblegum bitch." Stolas hung up.

"That conversation was legendary, Jesus Christ." Jeff laughed so hard he cried. "Beautiful fuckin' conversation. Holy hell."

"Wow..." Fae sighed, giving Jeff a look that said stop it. "Wow..." He then stared into Angel's soul with the same look on his face.

"Fae, we aren't doing that today, no soul stealing." I said, chuckling. It was Fae's turn to laugh at my dumb joke. I was amazed that Jeff had already "recovered" from Valentino's actions on him and that Angel and Fae seemed to be fine for people who suffered like that for years.

"We have to wait for Stolas, so let's use Val as a dress-up doll while he's wearing one of the energy-draining collars he used to use on me." Angel said, looking at his nails.

"Ooh~ that sounds fun." Vox clapped.

"Here's one that should fit." Fae said, pulling a collar out of his desk drawer and tossing it to Vox. Vox read it.

"This used to be Sugar's?" He asked after a few heartbeats.

"Yep. He died because Val forced him to wear it constantly on the highest setting." Fae sighed. "What a shame too, Sugar really did live up to his name. He was so sweet to me whenever I took care of him."

"Was Sugar one of the porn stars that died because of Valentino?" I asked cautiously.

"Yes, dear." Angel whispered, wrapping an arm around me after sitting up on the table with me.

"How...sad." I whispered, trying not to cry when Fae handed me a photo of Fae with a young man who the biggest smile and the brightest eyes. He looked just like Fae.

"His name was Shane. He was my brother." Fae said with a wane smile. "My twin. When he died, Val wanted me to replace him as a porn star, but I said that I was no good at sex and wanted to remain as the doctor. That's when Angel was still on the rise as a popular porn star. Soon everyone who was outside of the studio forgot about Sugar and he was painted right over with Angel's rein as the Porn King."

"I'm so sorry." I said as tears slipped down my cheeks. "Oh dear, I'm all emotional again, I apologize."

"Hey, Strawberry, it's alright. You can be emotional without apologizing." Angel said rubbing my back.

I watched Vox put the old, worn-down, glittering collar on Valentino and cranking up the settings until he couldn't anymore before dragging Val up the stairs.

We followed, intrigued by where Vox was taking the ex-pimp. Vox opened a giant closet filled with clothes and the other porn stars.

"Hey, guys and gals and the rainbow-colored plethora of people in between! Look who severely fucked up in my book this morning!" Vox greeted the nervous porn stars, throwing Val down on the floor at his feet. "My husband! So guess what we're gonna do! USE HIM AS A FUCKING DRESS UP DOLL. I don't care if you hurt him, just make sure that he's still alive by the end of the day. What time is it?" Vox asked the room.

"Uh...eleven am, sir." A random person said, looking down at their phone.

"Okay, Stolas arrives in forty-five minutes. Cool." Vox said as a few curious porn stars came foreword to poke at Val. They revealed that he was wearing Sugar's old energy-draining collar and excitedly pulled him into the center of the closet, putting him on the giant heart couch, undoing his chains. Val already looked exhausted.

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