Chapter Ten: Gender of the Child

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~Angel Dust's point of view~

I got up and out of bed to get my clothes on. It's Alastor's seven and a half months mark today and we were going out for another check up, especially since it's been a month or so since we've gone.

Alastor looked precious in his ginormous shirt that he wore to bed as often as he could. It covered his belly pretty well and it had long sleeves that went past his fingertips by several inches and when he wasn't pregnant, the hem went down to just above his knees.

Poor Al was exhausted easily now that he was reaching the home stretch of his pregnancy and I found myself going out to get candy and pastries and other sugary foods and drinks pretty often because he's a ridiculous little thing with a craving for the resented muffins.

"Wh-what's goin' on?" Alastor yawned as my phone started to ring. I answered, hushing Al so I could hear.

"Hello, Angel Dust here, how may I suggest my services?" I said in a seductive tone, causing Al to gag and roll over sarcastically.

"Ew, no. Too asexual for that shit, sis. And aren't you taken by that little deer guy? This is Heather." The person on the other end of the line replied.

"Hi, queen! How are you?" I asked, lightening my tone.

"I'm fine, but I was wondering, do you actually have any baby things?" Heather asked.

I looked over at Al, obviously panicked. He looked back at me, confused.

"Do we have any baby things?" I asked him. Al shook his head slowly, looking just as panicked as I did. "No, we don't, Heather. Why?" I said into the receiver.

"Do you want to go shopping with me today because I have to get glue and a new notebook for a new burn book." Heather asked. I could practically hear his eyebrow raise.

"Uh, hang on, I have to ask Al if he wants to come." I said, covering the receiver. "Do you want to come with Heather and I to the store for baby clothes?"

Alastor considered for a moment before nodding. "Yes, after the check up with Dr Whatever-His-Name-Is."

"Fair enough. Heather, Al says he wants to come, but we need to get a check up with Doctor Lu at the studio first. Do you mind that?" I told Heather.

"Only if he can tolerate my whole family coming too. They all invited themselves. They're lucky we have an excursion." Heather responded.

"How many...?"

"Let's see-Me, Jeff, Lee, Harlow, and You guys can have the middle row to yourselves. Jeff's driving. And Jeff wants to see the ultrasounds because he loves children." Heather rambled.

"Can you pick us up at the hotel then in thirty minutes?" I asked. Heather grunted a yes, obviously holding something in his mouth. He hung up shortly after and I gave Al the quick rundown while he worked on getting dressed.

"Okay, I'm actually chill with all of this. Normally I wouldn't, but I'm thinking it's because of the pregnancy." Alastor said as he saged his apartment down to purify it.

"Sure...blame it on the pregnancy. I say it's because you've mellowed out. All the shit we've been through in the past several months has calmed your personality down." I teased, kissing his knuckles.

We wandered downstairs to eat something, carrying our jackets and gloves (because hell can get snow too and it snowed the night before).

"What's for breakfast, you two?" Husk asked.

"I'll have a waffle and some hash browns. No bacon or sausage unless it's cow meat instead of pig meat." I said, sitting down. "What about you, Strawberry?"

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