Chapter Eighty-Nine: The Dark Box

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/Jeff's point of view\

I woke again in the blinding white void where God likes to speak to angels. She stood over me, malice coming off of her.

"What did I do now..." I sighed as I sat up.

"You are communicating with your family. That's not allowed." God stomped her feet on the ground of the void. She was smaller now, looking like a little child who just got told no dessert. Cracks appeared around where her feet made contact.

"I am letting them know that I'm still alive. They all worry." I told her calmly, crouching next to her.

"But it's not FAIR. I took away all means of communication with Hell and you still find a way to talk to people who live there!" God whined.

"I know you miss Raphael not being Crowley and you must miss all the angels who took the fall, and all of them including Lucifer and Lilith, but most of us built families by now. Hastur started raising little tadpoles of his own. Lucifer and Lilith have a daughter and another child on the way. Charlie and Vaggie are working towards having their own child. I have a wedding in two weeks and two children, one of which is part angel." I told her, my hands on her shoulders. "Can I continue to update my family on my current state of existence?"

God's blank spot of skin where her face should be turned various shades of red. The void turned black. "NO. NO NO NO NO NO. REEDUCATION IN THE DARK BOX."

I sighed as I was taken by two warrior angels to the dark box. They shoved me in and I curled my wings around myself to block out all the noise that was put into the box as an attempt to scare me and make me lose all memory of my family in Hell. I cried for God, for she's very family oriented, but she doesn't want me to see my family.

I fell into a deep sleep and did my best to astral project to Fae. I saw Fae praying to his deities to deliver me safely back home as Rat sat in the corner with the radio completely silent, though it was tuned to my station.

"Fae!" I said loudly, floating closer. He looked up and glanced around before seeing my faint shape.

"Jeff!" He exclaimed. "Baby, did you get separated from your body?" He asked.

"No, I'm astral projecting from the dark box." I told him, gliding so I was just inches away from him.

"Oh. Is that box a good thing or...?"

"It is very much a bad thing, darling." I told him. "They're trying to erase all my memory of you and our kids and my life in Hell."

"Oh no. Do you want me to come get you?" He asked softly. He was not the brave one between us, but he was offering to come save me.

"If you could, that'd be great." I said softly. He got off his knees and asked all the deities to keep our home safe while he was gone before packing up the bottomless messenger bag that he affectionately called the "Bottomless Pit" full of clothes and books and jars and herbs and food and water and money and his weapons. He put on his jacket before hunting down his pants and shoes and a set of maps, packing up a few portable alters for his four deities.

"I'm on my way." He said, slipping our phones into his pocket with a solar-powered portable charger.

"I'll see you soon, honey. I love you." I said to him, making the wind ruffle his curls.

"I love you too." He told me as I disappeared from the astral plane.

I opened my eyes in the dark box and peeked out of my wings to see a warrior guard trying to pull me out. I let her do it and I acted like I had never experienced emotions or had anything in my mind.

"What's going on?" I asked softly without any emotion.

"Oh no, I'm too late." She bit her lower lip and helped me off the ground. "Jeff, it's me, Vaggie." She told me. I looked at her with relief in my guarded expression. She lightened up.

"Vags?" I whispered softly, glancing around. "What are you doing here?"

"I came to make sure that you didn't have your memory wiped, but see that you took care of that on your own." Vaggie hissed back.

"Can you come and go from here?" I whispered.

"Yeah, thankfully. I would feel awful leaving her alone for too long." She told me.

"Good. I astral projected myself to Fae to tell him what is happening and to tell him to come get me. He's taking the long way, but I trust that he'll be here in no time." I whispered before lapsing back into acting like I had never been before.

"C'mon, let's get your sorry ass home." Vaggie said slightly louder so the guards could hear her. She retreated from Heaven into Urban Heaven with me holding onto her arm, to where we wouldn't be watched. I led her into my home discreetly and hugged Ani and Dad before swatting Phillip with the broom to get him out.

"So...what'd God want?" Ani asked softly as she made us cocoa.

"She wanted me to stop talking to Fae and my kids." I told him. "She tried to erase my memory in the Dark Box." I sat at the table after locking the door and taking off my shoes.

"How fucking dare her!" Dad shouted, slamming his book down on the table and throwing himself to his feet. He started to pace as he incoherently rambled about it being unacceptable and unbelievable that she would even. Ani followed him back and forth, trying to get him to calm down and take his cocoa.

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