Chapter Two: Confusion about Alastor

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~Angel Dust's point of view~

Wha-? What's up with Alastor? Where's he goin'? please don't jump off the roof, goddAMMIT. My internal monologue went berserk when Alastor ran up the stairs with no explanation. I took a few breaths, telling myself that he would be okay because he wouldn't jump off the roof, right? He's too smart.

I decided that he just needed some alone time away from the stress of Charlie and Vaggie being on our backs about what the noises were from our room during the night.(that is extremely stressful, trust me)

I sat at the bar after grabbing a beer from the fridge behind the bar without Husk looking. Husk looked at me, annoyed, as I popped open the beer and drank some out of the bottle. I sat there, sipping my beer for half an hour.

"So what's up with Smiles? Do ya know?" I asked, fixing him with a look that said: "I get to flirt with you, even though Alastor is also mine."

"He was crying." Husk said, still looking at me with annoyance. "Do you want me to describe that too?"

"That would be nice. I have never seen him cryin'. That would be something new." I said, trying to play off my worry as a pitying look.

"It was actually kinda adorable. His eyebrows went up and together, his smile completely disappeared, and his eyes went huge as tears streamed down his face." Husk said, taking another swig of unlabeled alcohol.

"Oh shit. Change of plans. I'm gonna go find Strawberry." I said, slamming my bottle of beer down and racing up the stairs to the very top floor of the hotel.

The only door up there was blocking the stairs. It was small for a door and painted red with a little gold lock the shape of a heart in the center and an ornate gold doorknob near the top.

I took a bobby pin out of my hair and started messing with the lock.

After quite a bit of trying, I popped the lock and opened the door, ducking a little bit to get in.

It was just a renovated attic space that was styled like an apartment from the '20s and '30s with a connected kitchen, a large living room, and bedroom and a small bathroom. In the bedroom side of the attic was Alastor, curled up under a quilt in his bed, sleeping very lightly.

I took off my shoes and put them down by the door, padding up to Alastor's bedside. Alastor stirred, blinking awake. I admired how his beautiful scarlet eyes were framed by his long black eyelashes.

He took one look at me and screamed. "No no no, you're not supposed to be in here, Angel, get out!"

"Alastor, Alastor. Calm down, please. I was just worried about you. I came up here to check up on you. I felt it was necessary." I said, trying to calm down the deer demon.

"If I wanted you to check on me, I would've gone to your room, you whore!!" Alastor screeched.

I would be lying if I said that didn't hurt even a little bit.

Alastor's Fading Static Hatred (Radiodust mpreg)Where stories live. Discover now