Chapter Thirty-Four: Finally Healed!!

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~Angel Dust's point of view~

I received a text from Jeff, startling me awake from the unintentional nap I was taking with Mercy in my arms and Al's head on my lap.


I sleepily texted back: what

Jeff automatically sent back a video of Fae unwrapping Jeff's chest and checking him over before nodding and saying that he was healed up and free to move now.

I felt a smile grow as I sent back a gif of Fat Nuggets running in circles with the caption "not so internal celebration".

I nudged Al awake and showed him the video. Al's confused, sleepy face was replaced by a proud smile and he snatched the phone, texting Jeff to tell him how happy he was for Jeff to have most of the body he wants.


That made Al extremely happy, to the point where he started to radiate happiness from my lap. I texted that we would probably not be wearing proper clothing when he arrived because Al refused to move and I was currently not wearing a shirt (we were doing fluffy cuddles on my chest because FAMILY BONDING).

Jeff threw open our apartment door and marched in with Fae behind him and all of his family. Husk planted their ass on the couch next to me and the rest of us gathered up so we could all see how it looked.

Jeff unbuttoned his shirt and threw it off, revealing newly healed over scars under his pecs and his blackened nipples.

We all applauded, even Husk, who was contemplating getting bottom surgery purely so they could get mass confusion out of everyone who didn't know them.

"It looks good. How long will your nipples be black, buddy?" I asked with a broad smile.

"I don't know. But I'm happy with how they feel in comparison to how they used to." Jeff said, popping his shoulders a little as he tried to straighten up. "It feels so light..."

"I imagine." Al laughed, throwing himself into a sitting position.

We all took turns hugging Jeff and he was so happy that he was finally able to hug without extreme discomfort. We were happy for him too, of course, but we didn't know how to express that much happiness for another person to him, so he just shrugged it off and put his shirt back on. Most of us were apathetic or sociopaths when we were alive anyways, so that was normal.

Fae got comfortable on the floor near the door, opening his laptop with a sigh.

Jeff sat next to him and let Fae pull him closer for warmth, wrapping his arms and wings around the small faun. Fae worked for a long time on the floor of Al and I's apartment, so long that Jeff fell asleep and almost everyone left except for Husk who was doing a small magic show for Mercy and Niffty. Nevertheless, Fae continued to work, adjusting Jeff when his shoulder finally fell asleep.

I eventually got up to make myself some hot chocolate, causing Al to look down at his pocket watch and realize that it was about time to make dinner and get up to see what ingredients he had in our apartment right now.

I watched the redhead with fascination, as I'd never seen him cook something from scratch without any store-bought, pre-made stuff(except the pasta he was using, takes too long to make).

"What's for dinner, darling?" I asked softly as I sipped my cocoa.

"Oh...I'm feeling like" He seemed to be frustrated that he couldn't find a word as he tried to figure it out.

"What ingredients do we got?" I asked. Al glanced over at the ingredients and listed them off before stating there was no meat because the smell of cooking meat upset his stomach during this pregnancy.

I eyed it before stating that it looked like the meatless version of the conchiglie dish that my mom likes to serve.

Al snapped his fingers at me, a small smile replacing his frustrated frown. "That's it. That's the thing." He said. "I swear to god, I would lose my head if it weren't attached to the rest of me if it weren't for you." I smiled and scratched behind his ears a little before wandering over to Fae.

"Whatcha doin'?" I asked, crouching next to the little doctor.

He sighed, running a hand down his face. "College work. I'm trying to get another job that pays better than my job at the studio." Fae grumbled. "Val is pretty abusive to the smaller demons that work there. Vox is the only reason I'm still alive right now because he rescued me from one of the sessions where Val rapes and beats me continually until I finally seem to have learned my lesson. I never seem to learn according to him. It must be my pheromones." Fae sighed again, rubbing his arms as if there was a sudden breeze that blew over him.

I sympathized immediately. I knew how that felt. I have been sexually abused by my father, randos on the street, and, of course: Valentino. I've recovered, thankfully, but sometimes... I still get those flashbacks.

"I feel that, honey, I'm sorry." I whispered, patting Fae on the back gently.

Fae shrugged, seeming desperate to change the subject. "Do you wanna see the game that Jeff has started to put together?" He asked.

I nodded enthusiastically and Fae nudged Jeff awake.

"What..." Jeff mumbled as he squinted at the light fixtures above the piano.

"Angel wants to see your game that you were inspired to make." Fae replied, opening his backpack and handing Jeff his artists' tablet and laptop. Jeff automatically seemed to light up and the sleepiness disappeared.

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